# File: asplos91.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Culler, D. and Sah, A. and Schauser, K. and von~Eicken, T. and Wawrzynek, J.}, Title = {{Fine-grain Parallelism with Minimal Hardware Support: A Compiler-Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine}}, BookTitle = {Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems}, Address = {Santa-Clara, CA}, Month = apr, Year = 1991, Note = "(Also available as Technical Report UCB/CSD 91/594, CS Div., University of California at Berkeley)" } # File: fpca91.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Schauser, Klaus Erik and Culler, David and von Eicken, Thorsten}, Title = {{Compiler-controlled Multithreading for Lenient Parallel Languages}}, BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 1991 Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Month = aug, Year = 1991, Note = "(Also available as Technical Report UCB/CSD 91/640, CS Div., University of California at Berkeley)", } # File: spaa90.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Saavedra-Barrera, Rafael and Culler, David and von Eicken, Thorsten}, Title = {{Analysis of Multithreaded Architectures for Parallel Computing}}, BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Symp. on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures}, Address = {Crete, Greece}, Month = jul, Year = 1990, Note = "(Also available as Technical Report UCB/CSD 90/569, CS Div., University of California at Berkeley)", } # File: lfp92.ps @INPROCEEDINGS{, AUTHOR = {Traub, K. R. and Culler, D. E. and Schauser, K. E.}, TITLE = "{Global Analysis for Partitioning Non-Strict Programs into Sequential Threads}", BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the ACM Conf. on LISP and Functional Programming}, YEAR = {1992}, ADDRESS = {San Francisco, CA}, MONTH = jun } # File: isca92.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {von Eicken, Thorsten and Culler, David E. and Goldstein, Seth Copen and Schauser, Klaus Erik}, Title = {{Active Messages: a Mechanism for Integrated Communication and Computation}}, BookTitle = {Proc. of the 19th Int'l Symposium on Computer Architecture}, Address = {Gold Coast, Australia}, Month = may, Year = 1992, Note = "(Also available as Technical Report UCB/CSD 92/675, CS Div., University of California at Berkeley)" } # File: isca93.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Spertus, Ellen and Goldstein, Seth Copen and Schauser, Klaus Erik and von Eicken, Thorsten and Culler, David E. and Dally, William J.}, Title = {{Evaluation of Mechanisms for Fine-Grained Parallel Programs in the J-Machine and the CM-5}}, BookTitle = {Proc of the 20th Int'l Symp. on Computer Architecture}, Address = {San Diego, CA}, Month = may, Year = 1993, } # File: jpdc93.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Culler, David E. and Goldstein, Seth Copen and Schauser, Klaus Erik and von Eicken, Thorsten}, Title = {{TAM --- A Compiler Controlled Threaded Abstract Machine}}, BookTitle = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue on Dataflow}, Month = jun, Year = 1993, } # File: ppopp93.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Culler, David E. and Karp, Richard, and Patterson, David and Sahay, Abhijit and Schauser, Klaus Erik and Santos, Eunice and Subramonian, Ramesh and von Eicken, Thorsten}, Title = {{LogP: Towards a Realistic Model of Parallel Computation}} BookTitle = {Proc. of Fourth ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming}, Address = {San Diego, CA}, Month = may, Year = 1993, } # File: ppopp93.ps @InProceedings{, Author = {Culler, David E. and Schauser, Klaus Erik and von Eicken, Thorsten}, Title = {{Two Fundamental Limits on Dataflow Multiprocessing}} BookTitle = {Proceedings of the IFIP WG 10.3 Working Conf. on Architectures and Compilation Techniques for Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism}, Address = {Orlando, FL}, Month = jan, Year = 1993, } # File: UCB-94-818.ps @TECHREPORT{, AUTHOR = {Seth Copen Goldstein}, TITLE = {The Implementation of a Threaded Abstract Machine}, INSTITUTION = {University of California at Berkeley}, YEAR = {1994}, TYPE = {Technical Report}, NUMBER = {UCB//CSD-94-818}, ADDRESS = {Computer Science Division\\University of California at Berkeley\\Berkeley, CA 94720}, MONTH = May, NOTE = {Masters Report}, }