COMPUTER SCIENCE DIVISION GRADUATE SEMINARS SPRING 1994 Updated: January 29, 1994 CS 298-1 Computer Systems Seminar D. Culler, R. Katz, J. Ousterhout, D. Patterson, A. Smith, J. Wawrzynek A series of weekly lectures presented by speakers from within and without the University on various topics related to computer and operating system design and evaluation. Time: Thursday, 3:30-5:00 pm Place: 385 Le Conte CCN: 26752 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-2 Theoretical Computer Sciences M. Blum, J. Canny, R.K. Karp, E. Lawler, A. Ranade, R. Seidel, U. Vazirani Talks by distinguished visitors and graduate students on current theoretical computer science research. Time: Monday, 4:00-5:30 pm Place: 5 Evans CCN: 26755 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-3 Computer Science Colloquium K. Yelick The colloquium, this semester, will be a distributed seminar using the Picturetel teleconferencing system. The other sites include: CMU, Stanford, University of Washington, UCSB, UCLA, UCSD. Guest speakers will focus on a variety of subjects related to computer science. Time: Wednesday, 4:00-6:00 pm Place: 608-7 Evans CCN: 26758 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-4 Graphics B. Barsky, C. Sequin Not offered this semester ============================================================================== CS 298-5 Multimedia Systems and Graphics L.A. Rowe, B. Barsky, C. Sequin A series of weekly lectures presented by speakers from within and without the University on topics related to multimedia, graphics, and user interfaces. Time: Monday, 4:00-5:30 pm Place: 608-7 Evans CCN: 26761 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-6 Numerical and Scientific Computing J. Demmel, B. Parlett, W. Kahan, R. Fateman Currently, researchers from many disciplines are working on a broad range of topics, and from many vantage points, in the area of scientific computation. Some of these topics include: designing appropriate programming languages, modeling turbulence, computational fluid mechanics, computer algebra and symbolic computation, robotics and vision, computer graphics, numerical linear algebra, super computing, fast algorithms for multiprocessors, complexity theory and the analysis of algorithms. A goal of this seminar will be to investigate some of these topics from various perspectives, theoretical as well as applied, with the aim of identifying common themes and new research problems. Time: Friday, 3:00-5:00 pm Place: 230 Evans CCN: 26764 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-7 L.A. Rowe Research Group Meeting Not offered this semester ============================================================================== CS 298-8 Network System Performance D. Ferrari Discussion of topics in network design and performance evaluation, with special emphasis on wide-area, broadband integrated-services networks. Time: Monday, 3:00-5:00 pm Place: ICSI Conference Room A CCN: 26767 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== 298-9 Multi-media Systems/Sequoia 2000 R. Katz, J. Ousterhout, D. Patterson, M. Stonebraker The Sequoia 2000 seminar will focus on the design and implementation of the large capacity object server being constructed at Berkeley. Time: Friday, 1:00-3:00 pm Place: 608-7 Evans CCN: 26770 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== 298-10 Al/Vision/Robotics J. Canny, J. Malik, S. Russell, S. Sastry, R. Wilensky, L. Zadeh Discussion of topics relating to artificial intelligence, vision and robotics. Time: Tuesday, 4:00-5:30 pm Place: TBA CCN: 26773 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-11 Seminar on Soft Computing J. Canny, R. Fearing, J. Malik, S. Russell, C. Sequin, R. Wilensky, L. Zadeh, A Zakhor Soft computing is a label for a collection of methods of computing which mimic modes of human reasoning which are approximate rather than exact. At present, such methods center principally on neural network theory, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, qualitative process theory and probabilistic reasoning. The importance of soft computing derives from the fact that it has a high potential for applications in a wide variety of fields ranging from speech recognition, image understanding, medical diagnosis and legal reasoning to qualitative decision analysis, process control and smart consumer products. The seminar will be interdisciplinary in nature and will draw on speakers from many departments on the Berkeley campus, LBL, LLNL, industrial research laboratories and other universities in the Bay Area. Time: Thursday, 4:00-5:30 pm Place: 47 Evans CCN: 26776 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-12 Database Design Seminar M. Stonebraker Discussion of implementation issues of next generation DBMS's with particular focus on POSTGRES. Time: Monday, TBA Place: 608-7 Evans CCN: 26779 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-13 Natural Languages R. Wilensky Time: Tuesday, 9:30-11:00 am Place: 35 Evans CCN: 26782 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-14 Computational Complexity M. Blum Talks by graduate students to graduate students on current research in theoretical computer science (TGIF). Time: TBA, 4:00-5:00 pm Place: 35 Evans CCN: 26785 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-15 Parallel Computer Architecture Seminar D. Culler, T. Anderson, D. Patterson Discussion of current topics in parallel computer systems with emphasis on massively parallel and scalable systems. Presentations of ongoing research in the department will be given by students and faculty. Time: TBA Place: TBA CCN: 26787 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-16 Computational Biology E. Lawler *** CANCELLED *** CCN: 26788 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-17 Connectionist Models J. Feldman Time: TBA Place: ICSI CCN: 26791 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-18 Language Implementation and Environments Research Group S. Graham Time: Tuesday, 3:30-5:00 pm Place: 230 Evans CCN: 26794 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-19 J. Feldman Time: TBA Place: ICSI CCN: 26797 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-20 Parallel Programming Languages and Techniques K. Yelick This seminar will meet weekly to discuss topics related to the practice of parallel programming. We will read a selection of papers describing existing parallel applications, languages for parallelism, and general programming techniques. Meetings will be informal discussions of the papers (one or two per week), and will also provide a forum for discussing research interests related to language and system support (i.e., libraries, run-time systems compilers, and debuggers) for parallel programming. Time: Monday, 4:00-5:00 pm Place: 9 Evans CCN: 26800 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-21 Student Sponsored General A.I. Seminar S. Russell Time: TBA Place: 35 Evans CCN: 26803 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-22 Research Topics in Document Development Environments M. Harrison Time: Thursday, 3:30-5:00 pm Place: 230 Evans CCN: 26806 Grading: S/U (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-25 T. Anderson Not offered this semester ============================================================================== CS 298-26 Study of Global Change J. Dozier, M. Stonebraker Not offered this semester Knowledge about the U.S. Global Change Research Program, its requirements for analysis of data, the EOS Data and Information System, improvements and inventions needed, Sequoia 2000 and prototypes. Time: Wednesday, 2:00-4:00 pm Place: 608-7 Evans CCN: 26808 Grading: Letter (1-4 units) ============================================================================== CS 298-28 C. Ramamoorthy Time: Place: CCN: 26809 Grading: Letter (1-4 units)