\documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} \textwidth7.5in \oddsidemargin-0.5in \topmargin-1in \textheight9.5in \begin{document} \begin{center} {\bf \large Computer Science Division\\ \vfill \Large READER APPLICATIONS FOR {\em PAID} READER POSITIONS \\ } \footnotesize (To work for CS300 Units, contact the instructor) \normalsize \end{center} \flushleft NAME: \hrulefill\ \vspace{0mm} \scriptsize (print) \hfill Last \hfill First \hfill Middle Initial \hfill\ \normalsize \vfill ADDRESS: \hrulefill\ \vfill PHONE: \hrulefill\ NETWORK ADDRESS: \hrulefill\ \vfill BIRTHDATE: \hrulefill\ SOC. SEC. \#: \hrulefill\ \vfill GPA: \hrulefill\ NUMBER OF UNITS ENROLLED THIS TERM: \hrulefill\ \vfill COURSE(S) YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A READER FOR: \hrulefill\ \vfill WHEN DID YOU TAKE THE COURSES? \hrulefill\ GRADE(S) RECEIVED \hrulefill\ \vfill STATUS: GRADUATE \hrulefill\ UNDERGRADUATE \hrulefill\ \vfill {\bf PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT:} {\em READER/TUTOR EXPERIENCE (including CS300) } {\footnotesize (continue on back of sheet if needed)} \vfill COURSE: \hrulefill\ INSTRUCTOR: \hrulefill\ DATE: \hrulefill\ \vfill COURSE: \hrulefill\ INSTRUCTOR: \hrulefill\ DATE: \hrulefill\ \vfill {\em CURRENT OR PREVIOUS CAMPUS EMPLOYMENT} \vfill DEPARTMENT: \hrulefill\ POSITION: \hrulefill\ \vfill DEPARTMENT: \hrulefill\ POSITION: \hrulefill\ \vfill LANGUAGES AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS YOU'VE USED: \hrulefill\ \vfill On the back of this sheet, list any other Computer Science Courses you've taken. Please state the semester/year and the grades you've received. {\bf After completing this application, please return it to 571 Evans.} \vfill Student's signature/Date: \hrulefill\ \begin{center} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \end{center} \vfill {\bf This portion to be completed by instructor:} \vfill The formula to determine reader hours/week is: enrollment $x$ unit value of course (this may change -- check with Gene Lawler), divided by 30. The hours allotted for the semester will change to reflect the true enrollment. Use ACE enrollment figures only as an estimate. \vfill I have selected \hrulefill\ to read for course \hrulefill\. \vfill Course enrollment is \hrulefill\. There is/are \hrulefill\ paid readers for this course. \vfill Instructor's signature/Date: \hrulefill\ \vfill \end{document}