Instructions: % latex thisfile % dvips -Pprintername thisfile.dvi Submit the completed form to the Computer Science Division in 387 Soda Hall. If you have any questions regarding readership or lab assisting, please contact the scheduling assistant at 643-6002. Any other questions, send e-mail to gopher-cs@cs. ========================== cut here =========================== \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} \textwidth7.5in \oddsidemargin-0.5in \topmargin-1in \textheight9.5in \begin{document} \begin{center} {\bf \large Computer Science Division\\ \vfill \Large READER APPLICATIONS FOR {\em PAID} READER POSITIONS \\ } \footnotesize (To work for CS300 Units, contact the instructor) \normalsize \end{center} \flushleft NAME: \hrulefill\ \vspace{0mm} \scriptsize (print) \hfill Last \hfill First \hfill Middle Initial \hfill\ \normalsize \vfill ADDRESS: \hrulefill\ \vfill PHONE: \hrulefill\ NETWORK ADDRESS: \hrulefill\ \vfill BIRTHDATE: \hrulefill\ SOC. SEC. \#: \hrulefill\ \vfill GPA: \hrulefill\ NUMBER OF UNITS ENROLLED THIS TERM: \hrulefill\ \vfill COURSE(S) YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE A READER FOR: \hrulefill\ \vfill WHEN DID YOU TAKE THE COURSES? \hrulefill\ GRADE(S) RECEIVED \hrulefill\ \vfill STATUS: GRADUATE \hrulefill\ UNDERGRADUATE \hrulefill\ \vfill {\bf PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT:} {\em READER/TUTOR EXPERIENCE (including CS300) } {\footnotesize (continue on back of sheet if needed)} \vfill COURSE: \hrulefill\ INSTRUCTOR: \hrulefill\ DATE: \hrulefill\ \vfill COURSE: \hrulefill\ INSTRUCTOR: \hrulefill\ DATE: \hrulefill\ \vfill {\em CURRENT OR PREVIOUS CAMPUS EMPLOYMENT} \vfill DEPARTMENT: \hrulefill\ POSITION: \hrulefill\ \vfill DEPARTMENT: \hrulefill\ POSITION: \hrulefill\ \vfill LANGUAGES AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS YOU'VE USED: \hrulefill\ \vfill On the back of this sheet, list any other Computer Science Courses you've taken. Please state the semester/year and the grades you've received. {\bf After completing this application, please return it to 571 Evans.} \vfill Student's signature/Date: \hrulefill\ \begin{center} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \end{center} \vfill {\bf This portion to be completed by instructor:} \vfill The formula to determine reader hours/week is: enrollment $x$ unit value of course (this may change -- check with Gene Lawler), divided by 30. The hours allotted for the semester will change to reflect the true enrollment. Use ACE enrollment figures only as an estimate. \vfill I have selected \hrulefill\ to read for course \hrulefill\. \vfill Course enrollment is \hrulefill\. There is/are \hrulefill\ paid readers for this course. \vfill Instructor's signature/Date: \hrulefill\ \vfill \end{document}