Send this form to anita@cs or deliver it to 501 Evans. -------------------cut here----------------------------------------------------- Computer Science Division ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST FORM PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY AND RETURN TO 501 EVANS HALL. We cannot guarantee that you will get the room you requested, but we will do our best to find something to accommodate your meeting. As always, the "MORE advance" notice you give, the easier it will be to find a room. Faculty sponsor:_______________________________________________________ Requested by:__________________________________________________________ "***"E-mail address:_____________ Phone # :____________________________ Date of mtg:_____________________ Hours of mtg:________________________ Number of people attending:____________________________________________ Audiovisual Equipment needed:__________________________________________ Room or building preferences:__________________________________________ "(List 1st, 2nd and 3rd preferences)" Reason for meeting:____________________________________________________ ******* D O N O T W R I T E B E L O W T H I S L I N E ******* "For Office Use Only" "EVANS"-"Cs Div:" 230 ____booked 236 ___booked 506 ___booked 608-7 ____booked "EVANS"-"Stats:" 443 ____booked 1011 ____booked "BECHTEL:" 120A ____booked 120B ____booked 120C ____booked Sibley ____booked "CORY:" 557 ____booked 536 ____booked Hogan ____booked Hughes ____booked "CORY:" 264M ____booked 395 ____booked "LECONTE:" 212 ____booked 333 ____booked 349 ____booked 395 ____booked "*SPROUL:" Contacted CS Scheduling Assistant on ________________________. Room reserved:_________________________________________________________ Hour of reservation:___________________________________________________ Date of reservation:___________________________________________________ Name of reservation assistant:_________________________________________ AV equipment reserved:___________ Time reserved:_______________________ Pertinent information:_________________________________________________ "***"Notified by e-mail on:____________________________________________