# Instructions for retrieving CS Technical Reports.

>.PS files (if available) are preformatted.  If the report
 is available in postscript, it is best to use this version.
>TIF files are only for viewing and research purposes.
>ALL.OCR files can be printed, but needs to be reformatted.
>.Z files are compressed files 
Please read the README file in each directory.  
Any other questions, send e-mail to tr-help@cs.berkeley.edu

% gopher ftp.cs

                   Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl7

                             Gopher Server: ftp.cs

      1.  About The Computer Science Division Gopher Server.
      2.     Local Time - University of California, Berkeley.
      3.     Table of Contents.
      4.  Computer Science Division/
 -->  5.  EECS Department (and related services)/
      6.  UC Berkeley Campus (and related services)/
      7.  World-Wide Services/
      8.  Search This Server <?>
      9.  Search GopherSpace using `Veronica'/

                   Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl7

                     EECS Department (and related services)

      1.  EECS Department (gopher)/
 -->  2.  Berkeley Electronic Library - Technical Report Series (ftp)/
      3.  Berkeley Computing Newsletter (gopher)/
      4.  Electronic Research Lab (ERL) (gopher)/
      5.  Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) (gopher)/
      6.  International Computer Science Institute (gopher)/
      7.  Network Information Center (gopher)/
      8.  Open Computing Facility (gopher)/
      9.  The Scholar's Workstation Computer Store (gopher)/
      10. Workstation Support Services Group (gopher)/

                   Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl7

          Berkeley Electronic Library - Technical Report Series (ftp)

      1.  COPYRIGHT.
      2.  README.
      3.  cogsci/
 -->  4.  cs/
      5.  erl/
      6.  ramp/
      7.  sequoia/

                  Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5


      527. csd-92-718/
      528. csd-92-719/
      529. csd-92-720/
      530. csd-92-721/
      531. csd-92-722/
 -->  532. csd-92-723/
      533. csd-93-724/
      534. csd-93-725/

                   Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl5


 -->  1.  all.ps.Z <Bin>
      2.  bib.

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu

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 | Save in file:   all.ps.Z                                                   |
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 |                                       [Cancel ^G] [Accept - Enter]         |
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