Message 3941: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Wed Jun 15 08:32:58 1994 Subject: Programmer Analyst wanted at UCSF (23 lines) More? [ynq] Programmer analyst position available at the Inst. for Health & Aging, UCSF. The institute is an organized research unit that supports multi-disciplinary research, education and public service in the health and aging fields. Research findings are distributed internationally. This particular position is part of the Nat'l. Medicare Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Evaluation funded thru the Health Care Financing Administration. The applicant will work in collaboration w/ the principal investigators and the Asst. Research Gerontologist to design, test, and run highly advanced SAS statistical programs mostly on OS/2, but to a lesser extent on CMS platforms. S/he will clean, edit and merge both primary and secondary data files from various sources, and perform advanced tape work and complex data archival routines as needed. Apprx. 60% of the applicant's time will be spent on data prep, and 30% on actual analysis. These relative proportions will reverse, however, as data become ready for final analyses. If interested, call Shawn Damon Ginther, Ph.D., M.S.W., Asst. Research Gerontologist, 415-476-3311. Please do not respond to this account. ----- Message 3946: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Wed Jun 22 13:03:56 1994 Subject: PC tutor needed for month of July (3 lines) More? [ynq] Student needed to teach two boys PC basics in our home in Berkeley during month of July. Apprx. 4 hrs. per week. 415-347-1481 ----- Message 3948: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Wed Jun 22 13:27:17 1994 Subject: CS non-academic jobs (87 lines) More? [ynq] TITLE: NETWORK/EMBEDDED SYSTEMS SOFTWARE ENGINEERS COMPANY: Cogwheel, Inc. Boulder. SALARY/BENEFITS: Medical Coverage, Stock options, Salary: commensurate with experience. Contractual arrangements considered. DESCRIPTION: Cogwheel's goal is to deliver superior quality network peripherals which set new price/performance standards for the industry. Cogwheel has strong financial backing, and is setting up operations in Hong Kong, San Jose, with the R&D branch in Boulder. We are seeking exceptional C/C++ sofware engineers specializing in embedded systems and networking to complete the productization of our first product. Skilled individuals at all experience levels are encouraged to apply. Senior applicants must have extensive experience in the majority of the following areas: Fully productized software, stand-alone embedded systems hardware, real-time operating systems, TCP/IP, and IPX network protocol stacks, low-level network device drivers. Junior applicants must demonstrate 2-4 years of related experience and an ability to learn very rapidly. These are ground-floor positions with very excellent chances for rapid promotion and advancement for the right individuals. TO RESPOND: Email a concise cover letter explaining your superior qualifications, C/V. Short-listed candidates will eventually be asked to supply salary history and a minimum of 2 professional references prior to interview. ---------- Software Engs. (GUI development, Case tools, Powerbuilder, Oracle, Sybase), Programmers (Windows, DOS, Unix, C, C++, Focus, RPG, Cobol, Foxpro, Informix or other 4GL's), System/Network Administrators (strong TCP/IP, Unix, Novell, AS 400, Vax and Sun), and Technical Support Wanted (hardware and software, Mac and PC environs). Call Tricia Dozier, 510-463-1900, or send a copy of your resume to her at: Snelling Personnel, 5000 Hopyard Rd., Suite 420, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Permanent and contract positions available. ---------- Conley Corp., a RAID software development co. based in NYC is seeking highly qualified completed Bachelors in CS, preferably with work experience, and Masters in CS candidates. Need: Q/A Assurance Eng./Mgr., Unix Device Driver Programmer, Unix GUI Programmer, Mac Device Driver Programmer, Mac Application Programmer, Software Test Eng. Telecommuting possible for right candidates. For more info. fax Conley Corp. at 212-682-0071; send your resume and salary if interested in one of these positions. NO phone calls. ---------- Professional Logistics Management, a freight mgt. co. located in Lafayette, seeks a qualified student for full-time work during the summer, leading to a part-time schedule during the school year. Position: Asst. to computer specialist. Must have general computer program knowledge and familiarity with following: LANtastic Network, Paradox, Data Base Design, and EDI. Salary: $9 hr.; Hrs. 8-5 summer. Call for an interview at: 510-283-9800 (ext. 209). Professional Logistics, 3732 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 395, Lafayette, CA 94549; phone 510-283-9800; fax 510-283-9840. ---------- 3-mo. + contract in S.F. Financial District: DEC VAX, Powerhouse, Quick, QTP. Fax/mail resume to Eastridge Infotech, 311 California St., S.F., CA 94104; fax 415-616-9709; phone 415-616-9724. EDP Auditor Wanted in Phoenix, AZ, $48-52K; EDP Audit w/ 40% travel (to South America). Required: EDP Audit experience, bilingual, Spanish. Computing Environment: MVS, AS/400, RS 6000, Data General, HP. Fax/mail resume to above (Eastridge Infotech). ---------- -END- Please do NOT respond to this account. Thanks. ----- Message 3949: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Wed Jun 22 15:10:39 1994 Subject: grad student needed for CS262 videocourse (consultant) (73 lines) More? [ynq] CS GRAD STUDENT NEEDED AS CONSULTANT FOR CS 262 VIDEOCOURSE FOR THE FALL 1994 SEMESTER Cal VIEW (formerly the Televised Instruction Program) is looking for a CS graduate student to act as the consultant/surrogate instructor for CS 262, taught by Professor John Ousterhout Fall 1993. It will be broadcast this Fall over a satellite system to a nationwide industry audience. Engineers who enroll in our tv courses are all professionally employed by a major corporation, such as IBM, DEC, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, etc., and the company pays for the degree program and the courses in which the engineers enroll. Fall 1994 will be our eigth semester on the TV satellite network. Our practice of hiring our own grad students to be the subject-matter content experts and contact people for these TV courses has proved quite successful; we have received many compliments about the quality of the educational support our consultants provide. And the grad students we hire, in turn, often find they enjoy the "enhanced nationwide visibility" they get working with the professional engineers who enroll in their courses. Attached are names of some grad students in your department who have either worked for us in the past, or are working for us this Spring: Ethan Miller Klaus Eric Schauser Krste Asanovic Aninido Banerjea Jay Lorch Ken Stanley Doug Ghormley Mark Brunkhart Laura Downs Rick Bukowski Ten Berkeley courses will be offered to engineers in industry Fall of 1994 over the NTU - (National Technological University) satellite network. Cal VIEW anticipates that the enrollments will be modest - 6 to 12 for most classes is average. Payment is determined by course enrollment. Under 6 people will mean that the consultant is paid $3,000 for his/her efforts; 6 to 12, payment is $3,500. (With larger enrollments, the salary is increased by $100 per additional student over 12; you are also allowed to hire a reader for 10 students or more, if you require one.) A student hired to act as a Cal VIEW course consultant should have (ideally) taken the course from the professor who taught the videotaped version. For the CS 262 position, I will be asking Professor David Patterson to interview the candidates who apply for the position, since Professor Ousterhout is leaving/has left campus. Because there is quite a bit of information about being a consultant for the Cal VIEW program, details about the job will be sent to all those who send me email telling me of their interest. Pam Atkinson, Director, Cal VIEW Video Instruction for the Engineering World 205 McLaughlin Hall - 2-5776 FAX:3-5877 atkins@hera Message 3953: From: owner-eecsdept@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Thu Jun 23 13:49:42 1994 Subject: Job Opportunity / Assistant Position (39 lines) More? [ynq] I received the following invitation for applications for an assistant position at ETH. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Eberle directly. As a former member of the same institute I like to emphasize that the general work conditions at ETH are absolutely excellent. - gri --------------------------------------------------------------- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Assistant Position Applications are invited for an assistant position at the Institute of Computer Systems at the Department of Computer Science. An M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science and a background in digital design and computer architecture is required. The position includes supervision of class work and participation in ongoing research projects. The focus of this research are computer architectures with support for time-dependent data. The position allows for acquiring a Doctorate degree. The position is available immediately. Funding is provided by the Swiss government. Please send applications (curriculum vitae, references) to: Prof. Hans Eberle Institute for Computer Systems Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland email: ----- Message 3963: From: 571evans@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Wed Jun 29 09:10:54 1994 Subject: Job Opportunity (21 lines) More? [ynq] PROGRAMMER ANAYLYST Responsibilities: new database and program design, maintenance/support of existing applications, report generation, user support, system administration, hardware and software evaluation and selection, and overall system troubleshooting. Experience, knowledge and interest in database design, SQL, PC Networks, PC applications, and manufacturing are desirable. Please send or fax resume to CIRCA CORP. 1330 Fitzgerald AVe San Francisco, CA 94124 ATTN: Eva SooHoo Fax: 415-822-1700 For more info, go to the job bulletin board on 5th floor Evans. PS: contact employer directly, don't send e-mai to me. ----- Message 3968: From: 571evans@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Fri Jul 1 09:51:59 1994 Subject: job oppening (18 lines) More? [ynq] SR. UNIX SYSTEMS/ SOFTWARE ENGINEER COMPUTER SERVICES & NETWORKING GROUP Looking for a Network Manager/consultant with senior level experience in Systems Administration of multi-platform (over 100) Sun workstations. Minimum of 3 plus years experience with SUN operating systems and related networking technologies. Candiate should have the following listed in their background: Network Management, SUN Operating Systems, TCP/IP, SNMP, OSI, NFS/NIS, Sell scripts, C, Unix systems, RS 6000, HP or Motorola experience. For more info about this position, go to the job bulletin board on 5th floor Evans or call Denise Chaffin at 602-482-3600. fax resumes to 602-788-0710. This position is in Phoenix, Arizona. Relocaion benefits available. The hiring dept. is not interested in hiring a programmer or pure engineering type individual for this position. PS: don't e-mail me, contact employer directly. ----- Message 3969: From: 571evans@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Fri Jul 1 10:04:52 1994 Subject: job (14 lines) More? [ynq] SOFTWARE ENGINEERS MOTOROLA GSTG- SCOTTSDALE, AZ Multiple positions. BS/MS in EE, CS, or CE, 3-10 years exp in realtime or embedded systems. Require: C, C++, ADA, assembly languages, object oriented design exp. For more info, go to the job bulletin board on 5th floor Evans or contact Denise Chaffin Motorola Government and Systems Tech Group 602-482-3600 fax: 602-788-0710 ----- Message 3973: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Tue Jul 5 10:27:40 1994 Subject: CS academic jobs (46 lines) More? [ynq] University of Nevada, Reno Dept. of Computer Science Seeks asst. prof. for one-yr. temp. stay for 94-95 academic yr. Possibility of converting to tenure track. Must have PhD. Review begins immediately until position is filled. Starting date is August 15, 1994. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phone nos. of 3 professional references to Prof. Ed Wishart, Dept. of CS/171, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 (ph. 702-784-6974; email (plain text only); fax 702-784-1766. ----- Univ. of SW Louisiana, Lafayette, LA Dept. of Computer Science Seeks asst. prof. PhD required, at least one yr. exp. in undergrad education; also, candidates must be able to teach at senior-level in one of the following areas: programming languages, compilers, or AI. Salary negotiable. Send letter of application containing vita, and names of at least 3 references to: Chair, Computer Science Search Comm., Computer Science Dept., P.O. Box 41771, Lafayette, LA 70504. Reviews begin July 1, 1994. ----- Ft. Valley State College Computer Technology Dept. Ft. Valley, Georgia Seeks asst. prof. Master's degree required; PhD preferred. teach up to 15 hrs UG level per quarter, advise students, participate in service activities at dept., school, institutional and community levels, engage in research and professional development activities. Salary negotiable. Effective date: Sept. 1, 1994. Application deadline: July 15, 1994 or until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts of record, and at least three letters of recommendation to: Faculty Search Comm., Dept. of Computer Technology, P.O. Box 4842 FVSC, Ft. Valley, GA 31030-3298. ----- -end- ----- Message 3974: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Tue Jul 5 10:43:36 1994 Subject: CS non-academic jobs (59 lines) More? [ynq] PENCOM Systems, Inc. needs to hire network and systems administrators of varying degrees of seniority in the following cities: Boston, MA; Hartford, Stamford and Greenwich, CT; NY metro area; Philly, PA; Washington, DC; Arlington, VA; Atlanta, GA; Dallas, Houston, and Austin, TX; S.F., L.A., El Segundo, and Irvine, CA. This is full-time work with Pencom Systems Administration, a sub-unit of Pencom Systems. Need strong network admin. background or solid systems admin. w/ networking background (routers, devices); preferred exp. w/ SNMP, Sun Net Mgr., LAN/WAN exp. Send resumes w/ any UNIX systems admin. exp. Competitive salary. Two references required. Andrew C. Romans, PENCOM Systems, Inc., Systems Administration. email or uunet!pencom!andrew voice: 212-513-7777; fax 212-227-1854. ----- S-MOS Systems San Jose, CA openings: in multi-media color mgt. software eng.; member of color research team: mutli-media color mgt./color matching/color processing; and MS windows software dev. engrs. for more info., email Send resume to this email address or to S-MOS Systems, 2460 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131, attn. Dr. Kai Yiu, or call toll-free 800-228-9958, ext. 3565. ----- Computers and You needs a lab mgr. A non-profit community learning center at Glide Memorial Church in S.F., providing computer access and learning for homeless, poor and drug- recovering children and adults. Need strong and broad knowledge of computer technology (both Mac and IBM PCs); excellent communication skills, exp. working w/ volunteers; sensitivity to diverse communities; self-motivated and organized w/ proven mgt. skills; ability to work well as part of a team. Lab has over 70 IBM, Apple and Mac computers. Responsibilities include tutoring, trouble-shooting, installing software, maintaining hardware in good condition; supervising open access hours, volunteer management. $12,000 yr.; 20 hrs. week. 2 weeks (prorated) vacation per yr. available immediately. Send resumes to: A. Jochnick, Computers and You, 330 Ellis St., S.F., CA 94102. ----- Adax, Inc. seeks C Programmer w/ Unix, TCP/IP and X.25 background for support position in WAN Communications Co. A BS in CS plus 2 yrs. applicable work exp. w/ Unix platform applications. Requires flexible person w/ ability to multi-task and quickly respond to changing users and business problems and needs. Good communication skills required. Full-time, perm. Send resume to: Dept. IPM, 614 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94710. voice: 510-548-7047; fax 510-548-5526. ----- -end- ----- Message 3975: From: crystal@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Tue Jul 5 10:55:37 1994 Subject: Assoc. Environmental Research Scientist Wanted (34 lines) More? [ynq] Assoc. Environmental Research Scientist $41,964-50,640 w/ medical, dental, and other benefits. thru the Calif. Depts. of Pesticide Regulation and Food and Agriculture--potential career thru their competitive civil service exam for Assoc. Environmental Research Scientists. Will plan and carry out research studies using sophisticated data mgt. techniques. Job might include developing computer models, setting up complex databases or developing geographic info. systems for projects such as preventing pesticides from causing environmental problems, finding ways to protect workers from exposure to pesticides or developing new ways to control pests. Must have a doctoral degree in math, physical, biological or agricultural science OR master's degree in these fields and two years of post- grad research exp. in environmental contamination, health and saftey, pest mgt., or biological control studies. To apply, fill out State of Calif. exam application (Form STD 678), available from most student placement and employment development offices. You can also get an application by contacting: Environmental Monitoring and Pest Mgt. Dept. of Pesticide Regulation 1020 N St., Rm. 161 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-324-4100 Send your application to: Dept. of Food and Agriculture, 1220 N St., Rm. 126, Sacramento, CA 94271-0001. Applications must be postmarked by July 22, 1994. ----- -end- ----- From crabtree@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Thu Jul 7 12:33:10 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id MAA15356; Thu, 7 Jul 1994 12:32:43 -0700 Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 12:32:43 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199407071932.MAA15356@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs, ucb-jobs@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS position at Univ. of New Mexico Status: RO University of New Mexico HCI Research Programmer and Postdoc Positions As part of a project funded by Arpa's new Human Computer Interaction Initiative, we have openings for a research programmer and for a postdoc to work on design, development, and evaluation of Pad++, a novel multiscale interface. Pad++ is an infinite resolution sketchpad we are exploring as an alternative to traditional window and icon-based approaches to interface design. Applicants for the postdoc position should have a recent Ph.D. in computer science, cognitive science, or related field with primary interest in human computer interaction, especially in the design and evaluation of interfaces to support complex information-rich tasks. Applicants for the research programmer position should be expert with C, C++, and Tcl/Tk. We seek someone with world-class programming abilities, who is interested in interface design, and who programs with style, grace, and speed. The research programmer position will begin in September and the postdoc position in January. The successful applicants will be offered research positions in the Department of Computer Science. The department currently has 15 faculty members and offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Computer Science. There is excellent access to computing facilities for both research and instruction. The department maintains close relationships with the National Laboratories at Sandia and Los Alamos. In addition, UNM is the prime contractor for the Maui High Performance Computing and Visualization Center. Please send a vita and description of your interests to or to: Professor James D. Hollan Computer Science Department University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 James D. Hollan, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 505.277.3112;277.6927(fax) From crabtree@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Thu Jul 7 12:50:08 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id MAA15773; Thu, 7 Jul 1994 12:49:39 -0700 Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 12:49:39 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199407071949.MAA15773@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs, ucb-jobs@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS p-t position at College of San Mateo Status: RO Math-Sci Division of College of San Mateo seeking part-time instructors for CIS 110, Intro to Computer & Inf. Science, MWF, 12:10-1 p.m., 8/22- 12/19 1994, and CIS 160, Intro to Macintosh (2 sections), W 6-10 p.m., 8/24-9/28 1994, and S 8:30am-1:10pm, 8/27-10/01 1994. Salary depends on exp., ranging from minimum lecture $32.64/hr to maximum $42.68/hr, and minimum lab $27.96 to maximum $37.02. Masters in CS, or CE; OR Bachelor's in either of above AND Master's in Math, Cybernetics, Bus. Admin., Accounting or Eng.; OR Bachelor's in Eng. AND Master's in Cybernetics, Eng., Math or Bus. Admin; OR Bachelor's in Math AND Master's in Cybernetics, Eng., Math, or Bus. Admin. acceptable. Contact: Terry Ann Mathias or Marilyn Moore at 415-574-6268, or send resume to College of San Mateo, Math/Sci Div., 1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo, CA 94402; or fax resume to 415-574-6680. Closing Date: July 29, 1994. From crabtree@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Mon Jul 11 08:12:08 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id IAA25988; Mon, 11 Jul 1994 08:11:48 -0700 Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 08:11:48 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199407111511.IAA25988@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs, ucb-jobs@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: No. Carolina Univ has CS multi-media RA position open Status: RO North Carolina State University Department of Computer Science Multimedia and Networking Laboratory (Research Associate/Post Doctoral) The Computer Science Department at North Carolina State University is seeking a Research Associate (at the post-doctoral level) to fulfill the job of the Technical Interaction Manager for its Multimedia and Networking laboratory and facilities. The Department is in the enviable position to be be near the Research Triangle Park, where many computer communication companies have their R&D facilities. The Department enjoys a close cooperation with most of these companies. Job Description: The Computer Science Department at North Carolina State University is actively involved in a partnership between IBM and North Carolina State University in the area of advanced networking technology, such as ATM, high-speed LANs, and multimedia. As a result of this partnership, a multimedia and networking laboratory has recently been established within Computer Science, and shortly, a research ATM network will be deployed in the campus. This ATM network, will be connected to the North Carolina Information Highway, a state- wide ATM network, currently under development. The multimedia and networking laboratory has close ties with other Computer Science and College of Engineering laboratories, such as the Computer Based Education laboratory, the Graphics laboratory, and the Center for Communications and Signal Processing, as well as with the industry in the Research Triangle, a major hub for research, development, and manufacture of communication products. We are seeking a dynamic and forward looking individual to fulfill the position of Technical Interaction Manager for the Multimedia and Networking laboratory. Specifically, this individual will be responsible for the following tasks: 1. Management, and interoperability and evaluation/testing of the multimedia and networking software and equipment. 2. Technical interaction with Industrial partners (for example, to facilitate interactions between CSC faculty and industrial sites, match research interests). 3. Active search for funding for the facilities by writing proposals in conjunction with faculty members to industry, government agencies, and other potential funding sources. 4. Maintainance of a leading edge for the facility through continuous improvement of the hardware, software and research base (such as, start interactions that would lead to the acquisition of a fully optical networking testbed). 5. Liaison with government agencies. Qualifications: - PhD in Computer Science or related field. - Skills for writing grant proposals and a good funding record. - Proven ability for practical (applied) computer science and engineering. - Ability to interact with people and good marketing skills. - Willingness to be the technical interaction facilitator between Computer Science faculty and industry and government agencies. Salary and Position Information: The initial Research Associate (post-doctoral level) appointment will be for two years. After that, the position becomes self-funding. That is, by that time the candidate should have been able to attract enough funds for the laboratory to a) keep maintaining the leading edge character of the laboratory, and b) to cover his/her salary. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae (including citizenship/visa status) and names of four references to: Chairman, Technical Interaction Manager Recruiting Committee Department of Computer Science Box 8206 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8206 For additional information, please contact or access the department's home page via Mosaic at This position is available immediately and the qualifying candidate would be expected to start as soon as possible. North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. From crabtree@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Tue Jul 12 16:31:23 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id QAA15698; Tue, 12 Jul 1994 16:30:49 -0700 Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 16:30:49 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199407122330.QAA15698@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs, ucb-jobs@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: Computer Science job opportunities Status: RO UC DATA at the Survey Research Center is seeking a Graduate Student Researcher to assist in developing the information system and research database for the Division of Worker's Compensation. Contact: Frank Neuhauser at UC DATA, 643-0667 (510). ----- Cogswell Polytech College, School of Arts and Sciences, has Computer and Video Imaging (CVI) faculty position open. Must have Master's in education, advertising, broadcast, art, or related fields. Teaching exp. in graphic design, animation or video. Cogswell College is a small, independent college in Sunnyvale, CA, with an enrollment of apprx. 400 students, 25% of whom are CVI majors, granting Bachelor of Sci degrees in Eng. and Eng. Technology and a Bachelor of Arts in Computer and Video Imaging. Send letter of appl. and resume to: Vijay Patel, CVI Dept. Chair, Cogswell Polytech College, 1175 Bordeaux Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. phone 408-541-0100; fax 408-747-0764. From crabtree@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Mon Jul 25 13:53:40 1994 Received: (from heather@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id NAA01434; Mon, 25 Jul 1994 13:51:57 -0700 Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 13:51:57 -0700 From: Heather Brown Message-Id: <199407252051.NAA01434@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: heather Subject: Jobs at SGI Status: RO From: (John Eisenman) Subject: Job Announcements - Silicon Graphics My group at Silicon Graphics currently has a number of Engineering openings. If you see a position that you are interested in, feel free to contact me or the manager involved directly. Contact me, John Eisenman, in one of the following ways: 415-390-1551 All of the phone numbers below are in the 415 area code. Email is preferable to calling. 1) MTS - IL (Image Library) Nancy Cam 390-1159 Strong systems design, S/W architecture & programming bkgd C & C++ programming required, image processing bkgd 2) MTS - Open GL Paula Womack 390-1946 Strong programming skills, C, Unix, & graphics experience, strong math bkgd 3) MTS - Senior Unix kernel developer Reuel Nash 390-1342 6 yrs experience w/system bringup, low-level device drivers, performance analysis & tuning, & multi-processor systems. 4) MTS - Graphics ASIC/Hardware Designers Gordon Elder 390-3609 Strong ASIC design experience w/large designs and/or experience w/high performance 3D graphics system design. Unix workstation, verilog, synthesis experience, a plus 5) Graphics S/W Manager Dan Baum 390-3671 At least 6 yrs industry experience w/2 yrs in mgmt, indepth knowledge of 3D graphics, experience w/functional simulation, low-level S/W development, & H/W bring-up required. Knowledge of GL, Open GL, and related mkts (visual simulation, film & video, virtual reality, scientific visualization), a plus 6) MTS - Diagnostics Allen Akin 390-3798 Develop diagnostics S/W & firmware. 4 yrs experience w/UNIX(tm), C, & at least 1 assembly language. Experience w/digital H/W design, device drivers, multiprocessors, & real-time systems preferred 7) MTS - Video Scott Pritchett 390-3080 Video, real-time, H/W interfaces, UNIX experience, IRIX & graphics knowledge, a plus 8) MTS - Video Scott Pritchett 390-3080 Product development, developer & customer support. S/W dev bkgd, strong video knowledge, good communication skills, ability to develop both systems & application S/W 9) Mkt Development Manager - Image Processing Mkts Greg Estes 390-5283 Very familiar w/image processing technologies, has specific mkt expertise. Key mkts/app areas: remote sensing, GIS, film & video, medical imaging, & scientific applications, 5-8 yrs related experience 10) N/A 11) MTS - H/W Systems Designer Bob Patel 390-3619 Help define/architect next generation mid-range workstation. Must have experience in defining system architecture, partitioning systems into ASICS, & knowledge of high speed I/O subsystems -- John Eisenman ( Silicon Graphics Computer Systems MS 7U-553 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. P.O. Box 7311 Mt. View, CA 94039-7311 (415) 390-1551 ****************************************************************************** From csgrad-request Tue Aug 2 15:59:30 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id PAA09888 for csgrads; Tue, 2 Aug 1994 15:58:56 -0700 Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 15:58:56 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199408022258.PAA09888@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads Subject: academic CS job at U. Washington Status: RO University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering The Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington seeks applications from outstanding teachers to collaborate with the current faculty in teaching our introductory course sequence and more advanced undergraduate courses. There is no deadline for applications, but candidates are encouraged to apply early. A Lecturer appointment may be made during the 1994-95 academic year. The department is committed to excellence in education. Candidates should have an exceptional record of classroom instruction and curricular innovation that can further enhance UW's undergraduate offerings. The teaching load is five quarter- courses plus certain responsibilities for overall management of the introductory sequence. Though the Lecturer rank is not a tenure-track position, the faculty seeks candidates interested in establishing a long-term professional relationship at Washington. Qualified applicants should send a letter of application, a resume, and the names of four references to Faculty Recruiting Committee, Department of Computer Science & Engineering FR-35, University of Wahsington, Seattle, WA 98195. The University of Washington is building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from female and minority candidates. AA/EOE. From crabtree@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Mon Jul 25 10:08:38 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id KAA18042; Mon, 25 Jul 1994 10:08:01 -0700 Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 10:08:01 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199407251708.KAA18042@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs Subject: CS jobs available Status: RO Database Programmer/Analyst Relational database programming in MS FoxPro, MS Access, Sybase SQL Server, Oracle. Full-time preferred, but p-t is possible. Call or send resume to Breck Robinson, Ladera Systems & Communications, Inc., 204 Second Ave., Ste. 413, San Mateo, CA 94401, 415-579-1357. ----- BOWIE STATE UNIVERSITY COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF FACULTY POSITIONS Applications are invited for two faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level in the Computer Science Department at Bowie State University (BSU) to begin Fall 1994. Ph.D. in Computer Science/Computer Engineering is required. Candidates specializing in computer graphics, software engineering, artificial intelligence, user interfaces, object-oriented technology, parallel algorithms, and/or computer architecture are preferred. Commitment to excellence in teaching and ability to communicate effectively are essential. Salary depends on qualification and experience. The University enrolls over 4,800 students and offers B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science and B.S. degree in computer technology. BSU is located in the Washington-Baltimore corridor and in the vicinity of many government agencies and research laboratories, e.g., NASA, NSF, NSA, NRL, and NIST. Applications are being accepted immediately and until positions are filled. Applicant should send a letter of interest, CV, and three letters of recommendations immediately to: Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Computer Science Department, Bowie State University, Bowie, MD 20715; or fax to: (301)464-7827. Applicant must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident. ----- From csgrad-request Wed Aug 10 15:50:41 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id PAA01315; Wed, 10 Aug 1994 15:50:17 -0700 Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 15:50:17 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199408102250.PAA01315@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs Subject: Programmer wanted Status: RO Programmer/mathematician Wanted Talented student sought for challenging research project requiring ingenuity and clear-headed independent thinking. 15-20 hours per week, flexible times and worksite. $10-$15 per hour. Requirements: - quick learner - creative and agressive problem solver - unusually strong mathematical skills - ability to program quickly and accurately in higher level language - familiarity with either Macintosh or Windows Please call 849-0380 or write to: Somerset Software 1442A Walnut Street Berkeley, CA 94709 From csgrad-request Mon Sep 19 10:00:13 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id JAA16136; Mon, 19 Sep 1994 09:59:50 -0700 Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 09:59:50 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199409191659.JAA16136@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, jobs@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS academic jobs Status: RO York University Department of Computer Science The Department of Computer Science at York University invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professor level. The department plans to develop its overall faculty strengths through these new positions and has particular interests in computer and software systems, computer networks, parallel algorithms and architecture, programming languages, and databases. However, perceived quality is our main criterion and excellent candidates from any area are strongly encouraged to apply. A recent Ph.D. in computer science is required. Applicants must demonstrate strong potential for excellence in research and teaching at both graduate and undergraduate levels. The department has grown to more than 25 faculty members and recently moved to expanded facilities in the new Chemistry and Computer Science Building. York University, the third largest university in Canada, is located in Metropolitan Toronto and is within easy reach of downtown Toronto. Send curriculum vitae and the names of four references to Patrick Dymond, Department of Computer Science, CCB126, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3. Applications should be received by Dec. 15, but applications received before Jan. 31 also will be considered if positions remain available. Appointments are subject to the commitment of funds. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. ----- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Department of Computer Science The Department of Computer Science invites applications for a tenure-track junior faculty position. Postdoctoral and visiting appointments also may be available. Preference will be given to applicants in computer systems, particularly in networks, distributed/parallel systems and databases. However, exceptional candidates in all areas will be considered. Applicants should have a doctorate in computer science or a related area and a commitment to excellence in teaching and research. The department offers B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science, and has excellent computing facilities. Send resumes and three references to Professor Boleslaw Szymanski, Chair of the New Staff Committee, Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590. ----- Pennsylvania State University Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is seeking qualified candidates for expected tenure-track positions. Applications in all areas of computer science will be considered, with emphasis in the areas of networking and operating systems. Salary and rank will be commensurate with experience. Applicants must have completed all requirements for a Ph.D. degree in computer science, computer engineering or a closely related area before assuming duties. Excellence in research and teaching is required. Candidates for senior positions must have an established research reputation supported by a substantial record of publications. Openings are expected for August 1995. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering maintains a Computer Systems Laboratory consisting of a distributed system of Sun and DEC workstations and file servers running under Unix. Applications should be received by Feb. 28. Applications will be considered until suitable candidates can be identified. Please send a resume and the names of three or more references to Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Box CRA, Pond Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802. ----- Syracuse University School of Computer and Information Science The School of Computer and Information Science (CIS) offers comprehensive programs in computer science, computational science, and systems and information science. CIS is strongly interdisciplinary, reflecting the fact that information and computation are integral parts of many disciplines. Computer science, and systems and information science degree programs are offered at the bachelor's and master's levels. A master's degree in computational science and a Ph.D. in computer and information science are available. CIS also offers an undergraduate concentration in computational science and master's and doctoral-level certificates. The research interests of the faculty are in the theory of computation, programming languages, parallel programming, artificial intelligence, computer architectures for symbolic computation, parallel computing, neural networks, computational science, logic programming, and coding theory and combinatorics. Two independent research centers maintained by Syracuse University-the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) and the Center for Computer Applications and Software Engineering (CASE)-provide computing and research opportunities for all students. For application and financial aid information, contact Barbara Powers, School of Computer and Information Science, Suite 4-116, Center for Science and Technology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100. Tel. 315-443-2368; fax: 3l5-443-1122. ----- New_Mexico_Institute_of_Mining_and_Technology Department of Computer Science The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology seeks applicants for two new tenure-track positions in computer science. We wish to fill the position of department chair and an additional position. Applicants for the position of department chair must be qualified for appointment at the full or associate professor rank and have demonstrated outstanding achievements in research, teaching and academic leadership. Candidates must have an earned Ph.D. in computer science or computer engineering at the time of appointment and demonstrated potential for excellence. The ability to teach graduate and undergraduate courses and conduct research in major areas of computer science is essential. The ideal candidates will broaden, complement or strengthen our faculty research interests in programming languages, software engineering, databases, computer architecture and networks, neural networks, artificial intelligence, verification and theory. Duties include teaching, research, thesis supervision and service. New Mexico Tech is a scientific and technical institute with 1,700 students. The Computer Science Department (offering B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees) will have eight faculty members after the current openings are filled, and currently has about 100 students. There are excellent facilities for research and teaching, and opportunities to interact with nearby institutions, including the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories. New Mexico Tech is located in the Rio Grande Valley, with fabulous weather and endless outdoor recreational opportunities. Send applications (include the names of at least three reference, a one-page description of research interests and accomplishments, and transcripts of graduate work) to New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Human Resources, Wells Hall, Box C-085A, Socorro, NM 87801. E-mail applications to E-mail inquiries to -end- From csgrad-request Mon Aug 15 12:54:13 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id MAA09158; Mon, 15 Aug 1994 12:53:42 -0700 Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 12:53:42 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199408151953.MAA09158@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, csmsgs Subject: programming jobs available w/ IBM TJ WRC Status: RO We just started a new project, Compiler-Based Programming Tools, to build programming tools (static-browser/debugger) using compiler technology here at IBM T.J.Watson Research Lab. I am looking for a couple of people, whose interests include compiler technology and software engineering, to work on the project as follows: (1) A post-doc position. (2) A temporary position (1/2 - 1 year starting from this fall) for programming. I am looking for a computer science PhD student who has just passed the screening (qualifying) exam. It would be a good opportunity to find an excellent thesis topic. If you know any excellent candidates for the positions, please ask them to send me a resume (e-mail is fine). For the programming position (2), it should also include a list of (undergraduate and graduate) courses taken and their grades. Thanks, -- Jong-Deok Choi IBM T. J. Watson Research Center P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 From csgrad-request Fri Oct 14 15:22:11 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id PAA15789; Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:21:56 -0700 Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 15:21:56 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199410142221.PAA15789@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, jobs@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS position at Arizona State Status: RO Arizona State University Computer Science and Engineering The Department of Computer Science and Engineering seeks outstanding candidates for tenure-track faculty positions, with primary emphasis in the areas of computer architecture, information systems, database management and software engineering. Rank is open. Applicants are required to have completed a Ph.D. in computer science, computer engineering or a closely related field by the date of appointment, and must show exceptional promise in teaching and research. Arizona State University is a major research university widely recognized as one of the most rapidly emerging educational institutions in the United States. The main campus is in the city of Tempe, in the metropolitan Phoenix area. The College of Engineering and Applied Sciences has been recognized for its innovative Engineering Excellence Program, a three-way partnership between state government, the university and high-technology industry. Please send a curriculum vitae, a selection of most important publications and the names and addresses of four references to Dr. Stephen S. Yau, Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-5406. E-mail: Questions and inquiries may be submitted by E-mail, but applications and nominations must be received by post. The closing date is Jan. 10, 1995. Applications received after that date will be reviewed as necessary until the positions are filled. Salary is competitive. From csgrad-request Fri Oct 14 08:18:29 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id IAA19680; Fri, 14 Oct 1994 08:18:02 -0700 Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 08:18:02 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199410141518.IAA19680@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, jobs@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: UCB IEOR seeks asst. prof. Status: RO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research is seeking highly qualified candidates for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning with the Fall Semester, 1995. The position is in the area of computer-integrated manufacturing, and the analysis, design, planning, and control of production systems, broadly defined to include both manufacturing and service industries. A doctoral degree is required in Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Systems Engineering, or related field. Through education, experience, or both, the candidate is expected to be on the cutting edge between computer science and sophisticated applications of concepts from that field to the areas mentioned here. Possible areas of specialization include process planning, quality control, facilities design, real-time scheduling and control, integration problems in hierarchical control, data-base systems and design, and the human-computer interface. Teaching and/or industrial experience is desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a teaching and research program related to the candidateUs area of expertise. There is als o the opportunity of collaborative research within this Department and also outside, e.g., with faculty in Business Administration, Computer Science, and other parts of Engineering. The position involves teaching at all levels from undergraduate courses to advanced graduate seminars, and supervision of doctoral students. The Department offers integrated programs in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and, in collaboration with Mechanical Engineering, in manufacturing systems. Applications, including resume, statement of interest in the position, copies of selected publications, and names of three references, should reach the following address no later than December 15, 1994. Search Committee Chairman University of California Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 4135 Etcheverry Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-1735 Telephone: (510) 642-7983 Fax: (510) 642-1403 From csgrad-request Mon Oct 17 16:08:47 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id QAA05949; Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:08:38 -0700 Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:08:38 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199410172308.QAA05949@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, jobs@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS academic job at U. Maryland @ College Park Status: RO U. Maryland @ College Park Dept. of CS Esp. seeking candidates in areas of Software Eng., Databases and Graphics. Send CV, research summary and 3 references to: Recruiting Comm., c/o Dr. Satish K. Tripathi, Chair, Dept. of CS, Univ. of Maryland at College Park, College Park, MD 20742-3255. More info. on dept. is available thru: Deadline: Feb. 1, 1995. ----- From csgrad-request Tue Oct 18 08:04:55 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id IAA21872; Tue, 18 Oct 1994 08:04:29 -0700 Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 08:04:29 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199410181504.IAA21872@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, jobs@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS academic post at U. Wyoming Status: RO University_of_Wyoming Department of Computer Science Applications are invited for one tenure track position in computer science at the assistant professor rank or at the associate professor rank with an exceptional research and funding record. A Ph.D. in computer science or closely related field is required. A successful candidate will teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students, serve on committees, and perform research, preferably in computer architecture or data base systems. Persons with teaching or industrial experience are also preferred. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Professor Henry Bauer, Chairman, Department of Computer Science, University of Wyoming, P. O. Box 3682, Laramie, WY 82071-3682. Screening of applications begins on January 17 with a closing date of February 3, 1995. Send questions only to From csgrad-request Tue Oct 18 10:11:40 1994 Received: (from crystal@localhost) by hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU (8.6.9/8.6.9) id KAA01606; Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:11:23 -0700 Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:11:23 -0700 From: Crystal Williams Message-Id: <199410181711.KAA01606@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU> To: csgrads, jobs@hera.EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: CS post at Texas A&M U. Status: RO Texas A&M University Department of Computer Science The Department of Computer Science invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor levels. Research areas of particular interest are: database systems, information retrieval systems, multimedia systems, programming languages and software engineering. However, exceptional candidates from all areas of specialization will be considered. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in computer science, computer engineering or a closely related field, a strong commitment to both research and teaching, and demonstrated ability to perform research and acquire external funding appropriate to the rank being sought. Applications from minority and women candidates are especially encouraged. Texas A&M University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to diversity. Texas A&M University is a leading national university with approximately 43,000 students and exceptional professional schools in medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, business, and architecture. Texas A&M was the first university with land grant, sea grant, and space grant designations and has annual federal research support of approximately $322 million. The Computer Science Department is in the College of Engineering and has 28 faculty members including three NSF PYI/NYI recipients. The department has a rapidly growing research program and has had over $2 million in external research funding annually for the past several years including an NSF infrastructure grant. Areas of significant research within the department include: vision, graphics and robotics; algorithms, languages and computability; computer systems and architecture; fault-tolerant computing; VLSI design and test; computational science and engineering; real-time computing, software systems; and artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic. The department and its associated teaching and research laboratories have exceptional facilities. Specialized labs exist for teaching real-time systems, microcomputer architecture and the senior design course. Departmental file servers provide 35Gb of space. Specialized parallel computing systems available include MasPar, nCUBE and Sequent. Research facilities provide hundreds of workstations for graduate students and faculty with access to the university's Cray YMP2/116. All department systems are networked with a combination of FDDI, ethernet, token ring and Appletalk. Texas A&M University is nestled on a pleasant 5,200-acre campus in the "golden triangle of Texas." It is a short driving distance to the major cities of Austin, Houston, and Dallas-Fort Worth. College Station is a desirable place to live, with many fine residential neighborhoods, low home prices, and a minimum of urban hassles. Applicants should send a statement of research and teaching interest, a complete resume, and the names of at least three references, their addresses (including email) and telephone/fax numbers to: Faculty Search Committee, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-3112. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.