Report on Academic Dishonesty ============================= We think that most students are honest. Moreover, we think that one should be honest because it is the right thing to do, not out of fear of punishment. The few students who do cheat cause great harm to the honest, hard-working majority. Therefore, it is our policy to vigorously prosecute violators. (The Department policy on academic dishonesty may be found on this server under the entry "Forms, Instructions, Policies, Rosters".) For the Fall 1993 semester, there were 10 reported cases of cheating in the Computer Science Division, involving 38 students. Penalties [from CS Div., Office Violation of Student Conduct (OSC), or both] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheating in 3 separate cases OSC suspends student for '94-'95 No. students involved: 1 academic yr. Breaking into computer system; F for class; censured by UCB; changing own grades; changing 150 hrs. of unpaid Univ. service; other students' grades; lying Suspension for Fall '94 about incident No. students involved: 2 Cheating on project: 0 on project; censured by UCB; Students who turned in copied 30 hrs. unpaid Univ. service code or knew that their partners where turning in copied code under their name No. students involved: 18 Cheating on final project 0 for Lab; D for class No. students involved: 4 Cheating on midterm 0 on exam No. students involved: 2 Cheating on midterm No. students involved: 3 0 for exam Cheating on final exam D for class No. students involved: 3 Cheating on lab assignment Half-credit on assignment; No. students involved: 3 censured by UCB; letter of apology required (involved in above case) Cheating on lab assignment AND F on assignment; censured by forging TA's signature UCB; letter of apology required No. students involved: 1 Illicit monitoring of several Non-class-related accounts terminated; terminal sessions; recording (access to computer only to keystrokes of individuals logged complete coursework; need consent in without consent of individuals from faculty sponsor to open being monitored acct. for research project; No. students involved: 1 sanctions in effect til graduation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------