HELPFUL REFERENCES* Bay Area Telephone Directories: 387 Soda National Zip Code Directories: 387 Soda Campus Maps: in publications bin, to the right of 571 Soda entrance Campus Telephone Directory: Telecommunications Services, 2168 Shattuck, Ste. 210, Inf.--2-8082 CS Course Descriptions: 387 Soda, 2-1042, 387soda@cs CS Technical Report List: 393 Soda, 3-6619, fuller@cs CS Rosters: 385 Soda, 2-0930, crystal@cs; College of Engineering (COE) Faculty Directory & Supplement: 102NAB, 3-6605, jana@hera COE Engineering Newsletter: 102NAB, 2-5857, engnews@hera COE Forefront, Research: 102NAB, 3-6005, jana@hera COE Televised Instruction Program Catalog: 205 McLaughlin, 2-5776, engtv@work, atkins@hera COE Women in Graduate Studies: Choosing Berkeley: 102NAB, 3-6605, jana@hera College of Letters & Science (L&S) Announcement: 113 Campbell, 2-1483 L&S CS Major and Minor: 339 Soda, 2-7214, bhtower@cs Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at Berkeley: 203 Cory, 3-6685, ilpbook@hera EECS Graduate Inf. Bulletin: 207 Cory, 2-3068, gradadm@hera EECS Graduate Student Directory: 203 Cory, 3-6685, ilpbook@hera EECS Faculty Handout: 231 Cory, 2-3694, 231cory@hera EECS Roster: 231 Cory, 2-3694, 231cory@hera EECS Software Distribution Catalog: 205 Cory, 3-6687, ilpsoft@hera EECS Survival Notes: 207 Cory, 2-3068, gradadm@hera EECS Undergraduate Inf. Bulletin: 231 Cory, 2-7372, cmanly@hera EECS Visitor's Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, 207 Cory, 2-3068, gradadm@hera Electronic Research Laboratory (ERL)/EECS Quarterly Newsletter: 203 Cory, 3-6685, ilpbook@hera EECS/ERL Research Summary: 203 Cory, 3-6685, ilpbook@hera ERL Roster: 253 Cory, 3-8424, paulaf@diva University of California at Berkeley (UCB) Employee Development & Training Programs & Services: 207 University Hall, 2-8134 UCB Faculty Guide to Campus Life, Faculty Handbook & Faculty Housing Inf.: 581 Soda, 3-6618, madfitz@cs UCB General Catalog: ASUC Store UCB Graduate Admissions Information & Fellowship Application: 309 Sproul, 2-7405 UCB Handbook for New Graduate Students: 309 Sproul, 2-7405 UCB Resource, A Reference Guide for New Students: 102 Sproul, 2-5171 UCB Schedule of Classes: 102 Sproul, 2-5171 *May have restrictions on availability, i.e., limited distribution and/or purchase fee required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------