ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT Audio-visual equipment can be reserved through the Receptionist, 387 Soda, 2-1042, 387soda@cs. Report any maintenance problems (burned out bulbs, etc.) to the Receptionist. BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND SECURITY For lighting, heating, plumbing, and other general building maintenance needs, contact the Office Supervisor, 393 Soda, 3-6619, fuller@cs. For building security matters, contact the Business Manager, 383 Soda, 2-5244, sweet@cs. COMPUTING EQUIPMENT (purchase, installation & repairs) The Division provides terminals and workstations, ports, etc., for visiting faculty, CS Division staff and new graduate students. Electronics Research Lab (ERL) Principal Investigators are responsible for purchasing such equipment for regular faculty, their research and administrative assistants and guests (visiting industrial fellows, scholars and postdocs). A faculty sponsor's charge account number and approval is required to purchase and install equipment. Purchase requests for Division equipment: for terminals and workstations, contact the Business Manager, 383 Soda, 2-5244, sweet@cs; for ports, contact Technical Computing Services (TCS), 2-6744, fixen@eecs. The Division pays for maintenance of all equipment purchased by the Division. For terminal and workstation installation and repairs, contact the Office Supervisor, 393 Soda. ERL Principal Investigators are expected to pay for maintenance of equipment purchased out of non-Division funds. COMPUTING RESOURCE POLICIES There should be a clear understanding that Division and Lab resources must not be used for personal gain or recreational or social purposes. In particular, University facilities cannot be used for "freelance" work, whether it be for profit or as a service. You may not contract out for programming or word processing on University machines, nor use printers, disc space, and other facilities or supplies for these purposes. Electronic mail, as well as hardcopy mail, are not to be used for private gain. Computer accounts are not to be shared with or loaned to others who are not eligible for their own accounts. These accounts must be relinquished when your stay/employment terminates. If you have any questions about these policies, contact the Business Manager, 383 Soda, 2-5244, sweet@cs. COPYING Soda Hall There are two types of copy cards distributed in the Division. Both cards will operate on the copiers in Soda. 1) White Non-Class Copy Cards Available to all regular and visiting faculty, visiting industrial fellows and scholars, staff and graduate students in Soda Hall. To obtain a card, go to 387 Soda and fill out an application form. This form will be forwarded to TCS, 301 Cory, 2-6744, jdavis@hera, and a copy card will be issued to you. 2) Blue Class Copy Cards These cards are issued automatically at the beginning of each semester to regular and visiting professors who teach classes; they are designated for specific CS courses. Class cards must be returned promptly at the end of each semester to the Office Supervisor in 573 Soda for accounting and recharging purposes. For more information on these cards, contact TCS, 301 Cory, 2-6744, jdavis@hera. Those who are not on the Division account will need a charge account number that has been approved by a faculty sponsor and/or Principal Investigator. Visiting industrial fellows and scholars may opt to purchase copy cards which can be used at the Engineering (Bechtel) Library. For visitors and grads, there will be a $2 cash deposit for all copy cards issued; it is refundable when you return your card at the end of your stay. The Division has a copy policy which limits state-funded copying to course-related and departmental business use only. If you have copy card problems, notify copycard@cs. Faculty and staff have priority for use of the copy machines. If you have a large copy job, i.e., an exam for a class, please submit a reprographics service request form to the Receptionist, 387 Soda, 2-1042, 387soda@cs. Include the appropriate charge account number on the form. Your copy job will be done by Reprographic Services and delivered to you by your requested deadline date. Reprographic forms are available from your administrative assistant, Receptionist (387 Soda) or Office Supervisor (393 Soda). FAX MACHINE There is a fax machine in 395 Soda which can be used between the hours of 8-12 and 1-4 Mon.-Fri. The phone number is (510) 642-5775. If you receive an incoming FAX message, someone from the CS Office will place it in your mailbox. To make an outgoing FAX, you will need a 5-digit authorization code for a fund or grant number; this can be obtained from a sponsoring faculty member, or from the faculty member's grant administrator. Current incoming fax costs are: $3-5 per faxed correspondence. How to use the Fax machine: Push the button "voice/dial". Input the following numbers: 78 - wait for dial tone - your 5-digit authorization code - wait for dial tone - then, for campus calls: dial 5-digit extension, i.e., 2-4918 for local calls: 9 + phone # for long distance calls, domestic: 9 + 1 + area code + phone # for international calls: 9 + 011 + country code + city code + phone #. If you need to start over, push the "stop," "start," and "voice/dial" buttons, in the order given. FEDERAL EXPRESS/UPS You can leave items in the Division office to be express mailed. These items should be packaged in express envelopes and accompanied by the appropriate mailing request form(s). Forms and packaging envelopes are stored in 384 Soda. You will need a fund or grant or number to complete the form(s). Visitors and grads: If you need assistance, ask your faculty sponsor's assistant. There is a UPS drop-box at the NW corner of Hearst and Euclid. a Federal Express drop- box is in front of the Hearst Mining Building near the Mining Circle. DELIVERIES: Daily express deliveries are made to 387 Soda. Express mail will be placed in the recipient's mailbox, or, if oversized, will be placed on the floor in 387 Soda. PICKUP: Daily Fed Ex pickup is at 3 p.m. in 387 Soda. After 3 p.m. outgoing Fed Ex and UPS packages must be dropped in the respective drop-boxes by 4:30 p.m. for pickup. For more information, contact the Receptionist, 387 Soda. FURNITURE For purchase requests, moves and installation of furniture, contact the Office Supervisor, 393 Soda, 3-6619, fuller@cs. KEYS/CARDKEYS All residents of Soda receive a cardkey, submaster key, and office key; Additional keys are distributed on a case-by-case basis. All keyusers, except regular faculty and staff, are charged $5 for each key and $25 for each cardkey. You are responsible for returning the keys/cardkeys to the Receptionist on or before the access expiration date. GRAD STUDENTS--To obtain additional keys/cardkeys: 1) Ask your faculty sponsor to fill out the on-line key form found on Gopher and email to sweet@cs with cc: to keys@cs providing the following information: your name, type of access required (key/cardkey/both), rooms to be accessed, access expiration date, and your status (volunteer, researcher, instructor). In one or two days after your faculty sponsor has sent the email message, go see the Receptionist, 387 Soda, 2-1042, 387soda@cs. If the request has been authorized by sweet@cs, the Receptionist will have you fill out a form(s), collect fees, and issue the keys/cardkeys to you. LIBRARY The Bechtel Engineering Library is located between Cory and Soda Halls. You may obtain a library card by showing your campus ID at the circulation desk of the Main (Doe) Library; the card is valid at any library at any UC campus and also at Stanford University. Beginning January 1989, Visiting Scholars and Visiting Industrial Fellows have a choice of basic library service (free) or advanced library service (fee). See the Academic Personnel Assistant, 381 Soda, 3-6619, madfitz@cs, for applications and explanations of the basic levels of service. More information on the UCB library system is available from the Doe Library. MAIL Visiting and adjunct professors, continuing lecturers, visiting industrial fellows and scholars, all grads and most staff mailboxes are in 396 Soda. Regular professors and front office staff mailboxes are in 395 Soda. Please do not have legal or personal business mail such as mail order catalogs, bank statements or Motor Vehicle notices sent to the Division. The mailbox for outgoing mail is in 396 Soda. OUTGOING mail needs a recording number in order to leave campus. Faculty members, see your secretary/assistant or grant administrator assigned to you to get the proper number. Visitors need to obtain permission from their host professor in order to charge mail to a grant. If you need a mailbox or have questions about mail, see the Receptionist, 387 Soda. NON-CLASS COMPUTER ACCOUNTS For assistance in setting up a computer account or for solving system breakdowns not related to classes, contact the Technical Computing Services (TCS), 2-6744, fixen@eecs. OFFICE SUPPLIES Regular and visiting CS faculty and staff can obtain supplies for instruction from the Divisional Assistant, 395 Soda. Faculty must provide their own supplies for research through their grants; see your grant administrator or administrative assistant for help. RAs, TAs, postdocs, visiting scholars and industrial fellows should request supplies from their faculty sponsor's assistant. PARKING Long-term: Regular and visiting faculty who require long-term parking should consult with the Office Supervisor in 393 Soda, 3-6619, fuller@cs regarding proper forms and procedures. Short-term: Use the CS Division on-line Gopher system; for instructions, see section on Gopher. PAYCHECKS Visiting faculty are paid on the first of each month. Ask the Academic Personnel Assistant for the date of your first check. All regular and visiting faculty, CS Division staff, and teaching assistants who receive their paychecks through the Dept. of EECS will have their checks/surepay receipts deposited in their mailboxes. Anyone being paid through ERL funds (including RAs, PGRs, staff and visitors) will receive their paycheck from the Project Principal Investigator's assistant. ROOM RESERVATIONS CS regular and visiting faculty, their assistants, RAs and TAs can reserve seminar and conference rooms. Contact the Scheduling Officer, 379 Soda, 3-6002, anita@cs. SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENTS The Division hosts public seminars on the latest topics of research in industry and academia. Watch the electronic seminar/colloquium notice boards on the --- floor of Soda Hall for the names of speakers and titles of their talks. Seminar announcements are also posted on Gopher. How to place a request to announce a colloquium or seminar: Use the CS Division on-line Gopher system; for instructions, see section on Gopher. STAFF SERVICE POLICIES Those requesting staff services should be aware of the policy on hours of work: Staff Personnel Policy and the AFSCME contract state that the standard work schedule for full-time employees shall be eight hours per day for five consecutive days, excluding the meal period. The standard work day is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with an hour for lunch from 12 noon to 1 p.m. for clerical/ administrative staff; for technical staff, normal hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a half-hour lunch from 12 noon to 12:30. Individual alternative work schedules may be negotiated between an employee and the supervisor. Whole units that wish to change to an alternate work schedule must have the permission of the CS Chair and the approval of the Campus Personnel Office, but the total number of work hours per week for full-time employees must remain at 40. Two breaks of not more than 15 minutes (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) are normally granted each work day; they may not be taken at the beginning or end of a work period, combined with lunch or accumulated for use at a later time except in special cases approved by the employee's supervisor. Breaks may be denied if leave schedules, vacation schedules or special situations arise which require a staff person's presence; in such cases, the supervisor should be notified. Employees are expected to be prompt in reporting to work, returning from breaks and from lunch. When sick, an employee is expected to call his/her supervisor as soon as the office opens. All employee time-related items such as lengthy delays in arrival, doctor appointments, sick leave, vacation, overtime, leave on comp time, leave without pay, and any changes in regular schedules (e.g. lunch) should be cleared with the supervisor. Regular and visiting faculty and scholars who are assigned clerical/ administrative staff support should be familiar with these basic policies and should check with the support person's supervisor regarding any requests for temporary or permanent exceptions to standard work procedure. TELEPHONE Faculty phones: The Division will pay $25 per month toward the phone bill, including installation and change costs, basic instrument and special treatment charges, costs of calls, etc. All additional costs must be charged to a grant source or reimbursed by private check. For faculty sharing extensions, the allowance will be $25 for the first faculty member, and $25 less fixed instrument and treatment costs for each additional faculty member. Only faculty members with major administrative duties may have their phones answered in the secretarial/ administrative offices and paid for from Division sources. All others must pay for these services from a non-Division source. Visiting scholar phones: The Division pays the monthly cost of the basic instrument charges and the telephone treatment that allows incoming calls from anywhere and outgoing calls within the local area. Out-of-area calls may be made from the host professor's phone with the permission of the host professor. Phone calls should be limited to Division business as much as possible. Examples of Division business phone calls include: Discussions of Division curricula and subject matter with colleagues elsewhere; responses to outside inquiries concerning evaluation of UCB students (call collect when possible); calls to vendors regarding CS equipment, parts orders or maintenance of CS equipment; recruiting new faculty members, arranging for visiting faculty and colloquium speakers, etc.; professional activities (e.g. paper reviews, committee work, arrangements for attendance at meetings, etc.) not reimbursable by professional societies (please make every attempt to obtain reimbursement from the societies for performing these services). Personal phone calls should be minimized (e.g. to medical appointments, urgent family care matters and emergencies). The Division must be reimbursed for all out-of-area calls incurred on personal or non-Division business, even if the total phone bill is less than $25. For telephone order authorizations and questions regarding phone policy, contact the Office Supervisor, 573 Soda. If you have a reasonable request which requires exception to the phone policy, the Office Supervisor will submit the request to the CS Chair for approval. TELEX/CABLE/MAILGRAM This service is offered by the UCB Telecommunications Services. See the Campus Telephone Directory for instructions. TRANSPORTATION The campus is easily accessible by public transportation. A shuttle bus is available near the BART station in downtown Berkeley at the northeast corner of Shattuck and Center Streets; it stops in front of Soda Hall on the Hearst Mining Circle. For more public transit information, call or visit the Berkeley TRiP Commute Store at 2033 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94704; 644- POOL or 643-POOL. TYPING SERVICES Typing services are available for visiting and regular faculty who do not have assigned help. Please bring your work to the Office Supervisor, 393 Soda. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------