ACADEMIC SERVICES CLASS COMPUTER ACCOUNTS Technical Computing Services (TCS) will contact you before the beginning of the semester to ask if the class you will be teaching needs student accounts on a UNIX or CMS computer. If you are not contacted within two weeks of the start of classes, or if you have questions or system problems, please contact the Manager of Instructional Systems, 386 Cory Hall, 643-6141, mullally@eecs. CLASS LISTS During the sixth week of classes, the Office of the Registrar distributes a computer printout of students registered for each course. You will receive a copy and be asked to check for any discrepancies. Procedures for making changes will be attached to the computer printout. COURSE ENROLLMENT Students enroll in advance for courses through the computerized telephone registration system, Telebears. Instructors who want to make changes in enrollment MUST contact the Scheduling Officer, 379 Soda, 643-6002, anita@cs. COURSE MATERIALS/NOTES If you wish to prepare course notes, xeroxed readers or other lengthy materials for distribution to your students, please arrange with your assigned secretarial staff to create a master copy. You or your assistant can then take the master copy to 301 Cory; they will arrange for the printing and resale of the material to your students. COURSE REPORTS/GRADES At the end of the semester, you will receive grade sheets (course reports) and instructions on policies and grading procedures. Any questions should be directed to the Office Supervisor, 393 Soda, 3-6619, fuller@cs. It is very important that you file all course reports before the deadline specified on the grading packet. If a student approaches you to erase an incomplete grade, contact the Office Supervisor for information on procedures to follow and for a record of the student's previous work in the class. FINAL EXAMS Faculty members must be present to administer the final exam. All changes in exam date or time, or the addition or omission of an exam from the list included in the Schedule of Classes, need approval from the campus Committee on Courses NO LATER than the third week of the semester. For courses with more than one lecture section, common exams are often preferred by the instructors. Letters requesting common finals must be addressed to the Committee on Courses by the third week of classes. Please contact the Scheduling Assistant, 379 Soda, 3-6002, anita@cs for details and rules regarding these requests. Final exams must be kept on file for one year. Please make arrangements with your assigned assistant or main office staff to retain the exams. Students may come and look at their exams in your assistant's office; these exams must remain in the Division for one year. Please make sure that the final grades for your classes are given to the main office staff within two days of the final exam. Grades should be posted outside your office; please use a grade posting system that respects student privacy. GRAD STUDENT INSTRUCTOR (GSI) ASSIGNMENTS CS Classes with laboratory or discussion sections are assigned Grad Student Instructors (teaching assistants); the number of GSI hours per week is based on the needs of the course and the overall GSI allocation given to us by the Dean's Office. The Scheduling Assistant will confer with you on the appointment of specific individuals as teaching assistants for your course. The final GSI selection is based on your needs and the Department's commitments. GSIs SHOULD NOT WORK UNTIL they have been cleared by the Scheduling Assistant in 501 Soda, and have signed up with the payroll clerk in 395 Cory. GRAD STUDENT INSTRUCTOR (GSI) EVALUATIONS The student honor society, Eta Kappa Nu, conducts a survey each semester to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of each GSI. Near the end of the semester, you will be asked by the EECS Chair to allow a representative from Eta Kappa Nu to distribute and collect the surveys during one of your class meetings. Arrangements are made so this activity is minimally disruptive of normal class time. ORDERING TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are ordered approximately three months in advance of the semester. Please place your orders with the Scheduling Asst., 379 Soda, 3-6002, anita@cs for CS courses. READERS Instructors for classes of any size may hire Readers to assist with grading homework, lab reports, problem sets and the like. The number of reader hours assigned to your class is based on class size and funding resources. You cannot exceed the total reader hours assigned to your course. Potential Readers will approach you to tell you about their qualifications and ask you to select them as your Reader. Readers should have completed the course with a B or better grade, and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better. Once you have selected a student, sign the reader agreement form and tell your Reader to bring it to the payroll clerk in 395 Cory Hall. The student cannot be paid before being signed up by the payroll clerk. RESCHEDULING COURSES Instructors who have a strong reason to reschedule the location, date and/or time of a course MUST contact the Scheduling Assistant in 379 Soda, 643-6002, anita@cs immediately. Schedule changes should be avoided unless absolutely necessary since students enroll in advance under the computerized telephone registration system, Telebears; late changes can create serious conflicts with their schedules. NO CHANGES in rooms or times for primary lectures can be made after Friday of the first week of classes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------