STUDENT CLASSES AND ORGANIZATIONS CLASSES CSUA UNIX Help Session: The Computer Science Undergraduate Association (CSUA) offers a series of tutorials on UNIX at the beginning of each semester. For times, dates and locations of beginning, intermediate and advanced help sessions, check in front of 238 Soda or call 2-7453 (csua@cory). XCF C Class: C in the UNIX Environment: The Experimental Computing Facility (XCF) conducts the C in the UNIX Environment course. This is not an official course and carries no credit with the University. However, many people find it quite valuable in its own right and as an aid for C programming in CS 162/164/184/186 or CS 9C. Information on times, dates and locations for the XCF C Class is available in 199B Cory Hall, 2-7447, xcf@cory. ORGANIZATIONS Association of Undergraduate Women in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (AUWICSEE): AUWICSEE was founded in 1991 with the intention of providing a sense of community and support services for undergraduate women in EECS. Black Graduate Engineering Student Society (BGESS): BGESS serves all minority graduate students from all departments in the College of Engineering. For information call 642-1326 or stop by their office, 101 Naval Architecture Bldg. Computer Science Graduate Student Association (CSGSA): CSGSA provides orientation for new computer science students; organizes and assists in both student and faculty recruitment; and maintains a photoboard. CSGSA also attempts to provide a friendly environment for graduate students. Events include a weekly bagels-and-donuts social, fall and spring picnics, and intramural sports. Interested students should contact the president of CSGSA in Soda Hall. (Information regarding the president and where he/she can be contacted is available from the Secretary to the CS Chair in 385 Soda, crystal@cs.) The CSGSA also publishes a Prelim study guide, and runs prelim review sessions at the beginning of each semester. Computer Science Undergraduate Association (CSUA): CSUA is for students interested in computers. The organization maintains a small library and office in 238 Soda, staffed by members able to advise students about classes, professors, or school in general. It provides a good opportunity to meet others of similar interests. The CSUA holds at least two general meetings a semester, as well as other events (like the Annual Risk tournament). If you are interested, drop by the office (343 Soda) or call 2-7453 (csua@cs). Engineers Joint Council: A student organization involved in issues of general concern to the engineering community. Their office is in 220 Bechtel Engineering Center. For information, call 642-2420. Eta Kappa Nu (HKN): HKN is an honorary undergraduate engineering and computer science society, providing an EECS course survey (available in 240 Cory), an exam file and graduate school catalog collection, EECS T-shirts, and activities sponsorship. HKN is located in 290 Cory, 2-7346. Pugwash: A student-run, academic organization which examines the moral and ethical issues that face students and professionals in technical disciplines. The focus is on educational activities, such as seminars, colloquia, classes and informal discussions. Regular meetings are held. All undergrad and grad students in any field are welcome. For more information, contact the Graduate Asst. in 215 Cory Hall. Society of Hispanic Engineers and Scientists (HES): HES aims to foster career opportunities for Hispanic engineering and science students through contacts with representatives of government and industry. For information call 642-8416 or visit the HES office, 104 Naval Architecture Bldg. Society of Women Engineers (SWE): SWE is a student chapter of the national organization. It is a professional, non-profit, technical organization representing all disciplines of engineering. Both men and women can become members. The organization provides a support network for women in engineering, encouraging professional development and high scholastic achievement. Activities range from professional to service-oriented to strictly social. A newsletter is published and regular meetings are held twice a semester. For more information, stop by the office in Rm. 105 Naval Architecture Bldg., or call 642-1369. Women in Computer Science and Engineering (WICSE): WICSE, founded in 1977, is a group of women who meet weekly for lunch in the Moore Room to discuss topics of mutual interest. The group consists mostly of graduate women in computer science and engineering, but undergraduates are welcome. Interested students can contact the group by using one of the WICSE mailboxes located opposite 275 Cory and in 396 Soda. FACILITIES Experimental Computing Facility (XCF): The XCF is a student organization that provides computing resources to those who wish to learn and to develop new and useful software for the public computing community. XCF also provides assistance to the campus by answering questions regarding UNIX related topics, and by holding UNIX help seminars at the beginning of every semester. If you are interested in XCF stop by 199B Cory, 2-7447, xcf@cory. Open Computing Facility (OCF): The Open Computing Facility (OCF) provides computer accounts for eligible University students, faculty and staff. The OCF operates a cluster of about 15 Apollo workstations in the back section of the Workstations in Soda Basement (WEB) facility. If you would like an account, want to know about OCF meetings, or are just curious, drop by the cluster to talk to a staff person or send electronic mail to ocf-info@ocf. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------