CS STUDENTS--WHERE TO GO FOR HELP ACADEMIC ADVISING: UNDERGRADUATES, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING: College of Engineering Undergraduate Office, 308 McLaughlin, 2-7594. UNDERGRADUATES, COLLEGE OF LETTERS & SCIENCE: L&S CS Undergraduate Assistant, 339 Soda, 2-7214, bhtower@cs. GRADUATES: For current student matters: CS Graduate Assistant, 367 Soda, 2-9413; for graduate admission matters: EECS Grad Admissions Office, 207 Cory Hall, 2-3068. MINORITY GRADUATE STUDENTS: Faculty Mentor Program--Each entering minority graduate student may choose, in addition to an advisor, a faculty mentor in the dept. who serves as an informal advisor. Prof. Angelakos is coordinator of the faculty mentor program: diog@eecs, 259 Cory, 643-6077. FOREIGN STUDENTS: Office of Foreign Student Advisor, International House, 2299 Piedmont Ave., 2-2818. PROBLEMS, COMPLAINTS: For problems in classes or grading, or complaints, contact the ombudsperson for students at 328 Stephens, 2-5754. SELF-PACED COURSES: Students take self-paced courses because they either want to speed through the material much faster than normal or spread their studies over more than one semester; in either case, full credits are earned for self- paced courses. For information, contact the CS Self-Pace Center Manager, 345 Davis, 2-9920, selfpace@cs. REENTRY: The CS Reentry Program is for women and underrepresented minorities whose undergraduate degrees are in academic fields other than computer science. The program was designed to help reverse enrollment trends in computer science, to diversify the population in computer science, and to assist academically-gifted women and minority adults to make career changes and reenter the academic environment in computing. For information, contact the CS Reentry Coordinator, 467 Soda, 2-1390, reentry@cs ENGLISH LANGUAGE IMPROVEMENT: American English instruction is available at six levels, from beginning to advanced. For information, contact the English Language Program, University Extension, 2515 Hillegass, Rm. 312, 2-9833. WORK-STUDY AND FINANCIAL AID: Contact the Work Study Program/Financial Aid Office, 207 Sproul, 2-5625. INTERNSHIPS AND COOPERATIVE EDUCATION: These programs are available through the Career Planning & Placement Center, 2510 Channing Way, 2-1716. The College of Engineering also has a Cooperative Education Program, which allows students enrolled in the College to work full-time for industry or government for a period of six months. For information, contact the COE Co-op Coordinator, 209 McLaughlin, 2-6385. JOB OPENINGS: See postings on Gopher, msgs (messages), and on 5th floor of Soda near the main elevators; contact Career Planning & Placement Center, 2510 Channing Way, 2-1716; contact EECS Student Matters Office, 207 Cory, 2-3068. STUDY ABROAD: Opportunities are available for undergraduate and graduate students to pursue their education in other countries. For information, contact Berkeley Programs for Study Abroad (BPSA), 160 Stephens Hall, 2-1356, 2-1790. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------