This is to announce the release of Anthony's X Icon Library (version 1.5) ---------------------------------------- This is a large collection of monocrome bitmaps and color pixmaps for general use by the X comunity. These are small, usally less than 100x100 pixels, images that can be used for Program icons for general use by window managers Buttons/widget/gadget images Document types for a desktop program (like xdtm) walls, landscapes, space ships, objects for games This collection does NOT contain and `large' pictures, though smaller root window tile patterns are present. Nor does it contain `junky' icon images you often find in use by programs. The collection consists of 20 to 30 tar files containing icons sorted into catorgories of size, and usage. These files can be found in the mit X contribution directory :- : /contrib/AIcons and the many mirrors of this directory by sites around the world so look for a closer site first. If the directory contains the file ``---VERSION-1.5---'' then you have found the latest release being announced. You can also examine the real libary through the world wide web at MAJOR RE-ORGANIZATION The library has undergone a major re-organization of the directories storing the icons, though little has changed within the individual sections. This change hopfully reflects the icon sections better AIcons/ | |- READMEs All the readme files present in the collection | |- icons General descriptive icons for general use. | |- std Standard 64x54 (golden rectangle) icons (monocrome) | | | |- bw-32 Black & White icons that are all 32x32 in size. | |- bw-48 Black & White icons that are all 48x48 in size. | |- bw-64 Black & White icons that are all 64x64 in size. | |- bw-misc Black & White icons of miscellanous size. | |- bw-bgnd Large background tile patterns (IE: escher fish tile). | | | |- cl-32 Color icons which are 32x32 pixels in size. | |- cl-48 Color icons which are 48x48 pixels in size. | |- cl-64 Color icons which are 64x64 pixels in size. | |- cl-misc Color icons of miscellanous sizes. | |- cl-bgnd Color background tiles. (NOTE: these are in gif format) | | | |- gr-misc Grey Scale icons of miscellanous size | | | |- button Small symbols or pictures used for buttons and/or markers. | |- cursor Cursors and associated masks. IE: watch & gumby | `- flags Flags of the world (black & white and color) | |- appl Application icons for use within specific applications. | |- twm Icons for specific use in twm (title bar buttons, etc) | |- mail Mail status indicator icons (some with masks) | |- drawing Icons for in drawing programs (brushes, operations....) | |- www Icons for use within World Wide Web hypertext docs. | |- cards A set of black & white playing cards (40x60). | `- desktop Icons for use within file managers and directory lists. | |- appl General Applications (see also the icon sections) | |- dirs Directoryes, Folders and Drawer icons | |- docs File and Document icons (text, image, ps, etc..) | `- file Small icon symbols for directory listings | |- prog Icons for programing other purposes. | |- patterns Small scale texture patterns (black & white) | |- movies Icons that form an animation sequence of some sort. | |- bits Bits and Pieces of images to create larger image with. | | | |- advent 16x16 bitmaps for simple panview adventures. | |- space Space ships flying in 16 compass directions | |- missile Missiles flying in 8 compass directions | |- map Various landscape and floor icons. | |- walls Icons to build walls, and fences with. | |- buildings Building icons | |- items Miscellanous items (swords, potions, gems) | |- devices Devices and switches (these could be move out of games) | |- beasts Beasts and monsters from crossfire | `- effects Pattern icons that was used for magic effects | |- large Icons which are too large, but included anyway | `- ???? What else? Anyone with other ideas? COLOR CHANGES The following changes were made to the `standard color table' which almost all the color icons in the library follow. These are:- The original color ``dark green'', was replaced by a lighter color ``sea green''. The original dark green proved to to too dark for most situations, and too distant for the next green color ``lime green''. This change should (and has) allowed the better use of the green color scale. A new color ``purple'' added to provide better linkage between the red and the blue areas of the color table. I expect that while the icons already in the library will not be changed to use this color, I beleive new additions will make good use of it. The original color ``maroon'' was removed and the existing usage of this color swicthed to ``firebrick'' which it very closly resembles. The color "sandy brown" removed as it too closly matchs the color "orange" which is used to replace it in existing icons. This makes a new total of 29 colors in standard table. Dark <<--- color shades --->> Light .-----------------------------------------------------------------------. | "black", "dark slate grey", "slate grey", | | | "grey", "gainsboro", "white" | 6 | | "purple", "magenta", "violet" | 3 | | "firebrick", "red", "tomato", "orange", "gold", "yellow" | 6 | | "sienna", "peru", + -^ | 2 | | "tan", "wheat", "lemon chiffon" | 3 | | "sea green", "lime green", "green", "pale green" | 4 | | "navy", "blue", "dodger blue", "sky blue", "cyan" | 5 | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------' Total: 29 OTHER CHANGES 1/ A couple of new sections has been added (see tree above) appl/www icons for use with the World Wide Web hypertext documents (Arrows, homes, anchors, and other miscellanous symbols) appl/cards A set of playing cards, moncrome, 40x60 pixels. 2/ Due to copyright requirments the large 128x128 color background patterns have been moved into a sub-directory of the ``cl-bgnd'' section. Geoff Adams and Stephen Krauth Geoff has kindly allowed the inclusion of the Desktop Textures in the sub-section cl-bgnd/Textures. These are 128x128 color background images which while a bit large for this collection are included as they are extremely useful. NOTE: these images are copyright and can not be included into any package without first contacting Geoff before hand. He has provided a copyright notice which is included in that directory. Not all the images available in the Desktop Textures are present only those which were donated by users at one point or another. I hope to insert the complete collection into the library at some point in the furture. 3/ I have sorted through the 3000 icons in the hobbes collection. These are mostly crumy (no offence) IBM-PC 32x32 icons. I have included the best icons in the collection into the library (which weren't already present). NOTE: some of the folder icons in this collect have not been added to the collection at the time of release, but thay will appear at some point. Included in this is a small set of color country flags. These have been placed into the ``flags'' section while the rest has been added to the ``cl-32'' section of the library. 4/ Many changes have been made to the `twm' icons, to try to make them easier to use, with the twm window manager. 5/ Many contributions have been made to the collection :- a) A new set of xpm icons from Claude Lecommandeur b) Some other icons of the same odd size of 64x38 (same as those from Claude Lecommandeur) contributed by Dan Reynolds This required a little re-orginising to fix. I may have to create a cl-64x38 icons section if any more of this size are contributed. c) The large collections of icons from the hobbes tar files on have been sorted into the library. Over 3000 icons needed to be waded through to do this of which about 500 made it into collection. In particular the color 32x20 flags came from this collection as did the new section `prim_grey' consisting of 3d like icons mostly only the grey scale (of the standard color table) and small amounts of primary colors for highlights. d) Steve Kinzler The black & white flags, olympics and weather sections, and many of the bw-48 icons, are from his "faces" bitmap collections, where separate credit is listed for their contribution. Steve created most of the flags, and the Olympic sports icons from the `84 Los Angeles Summer Olympics event logos. The faces collections Steve coordinates are too large and dynamic to be included completely into this library. You can always download the most recent of these collections from They include hundreds of logos for Internet domains and Usenet newsgroups and thousands of faces of users. e) A few icons from WScrawl program sources from Brian Wilson