Your agent enters the world with one other agent. Both agents take action simultaneously, and both are allowed one additional action: they can SPEAK a sentence. Speaking does not take too much energy or dexterity, so it is possible to speak and do one other action at the same time. This is indicated as follows: Simultaneously(ShootLeft,Speak([take, that])) A speaking action would not do much good if nobody could perceive it, so the percept vector will now be a vector of four values: [stench, breeze, glitter, sound] where sound is either nil or a list of words. The longest sentence that can be spoken in one action is 10 words. By hanging around the Wumpus cave, you have picked up the following vocabulary: down, left, right, ... aa, ab, ac, ad, ... 1, 2, 3, ... gold, wumpus, pit, nothing stench, breeze, glitter are, am, is, shoot, go, grab, release from, to, at here, there, nearby you, me, I will, did a, the -- yes, no, maybe, ok, huh You have observed that these words are formed into sentences such as: There is a breeze here You shoot the wumpus -- I will grab the gold ok I will go left I am at ad There is a pit nearby Is there a breeze at bd No Did you go to cc Yes -- There is nothing there You have also observed that there is a strict social caste system among Wumpus World explorers. Apprentice explorers never speak unless spoken to, and then they always answer a question with yes, no, or maybe, acknowledge a command with ok or no, acknowledge a statement with ok, and say ``huh'' when they don't understand something. Master explorers give commands, ask questions, and give reports of their actions to both other masters and apprentices. They also answer questions from other masters. (1) Design an apprentice explorer. You may assume the apprentice will always be accompanied into the cave by a master. The apprentice agent should acknowledge the master's words and should follow the master's advice unless it is clearly a mistake---don't jump into a pit just because the master says so. Similarly, assume the master's statements are correct unless there is reason to believe otherwise. If you finish (1), go on to (2). Even if you don't finish (1), write a paragraph or two describing what is different in (2), what makes it harder, and what approach you would use if you had time to do it. (2) Design a master explorer. It should be able to work with either an apprentice or another master. ===================================================================== Solution: (1) The apprentice need only parse the sound percept, and then (a) Answer a question with yes, no, or maybe depending on if the question or its negation can be proven. (b) Follow a command unless it leads to death. (c) Add the master's reports to the agent's internal data base, but mark the source as coming from the master. (d) Say huh if the percept doesn't parse. (e) If there is no command to follow, come up with an action based on the strategy you used for the non-speaking agent. Here is a grammar: S -> Question | Command | Report | Acknowledgement | S -- S Question -> Aux NP VP | Be NP VP-args Command -> "you" VP Report -> "I" VP NP -> Pronoun | {Article} Noun VP -> {Aux} Verb VP-args VP-args -> {NP} {PP} {Adverb} PP -> Prep NP ;;; Terminals Acknowledgement -> "yes" | "no" | "ok" | "huh" Verb -> Aux | "shoot" | ... Aux -> Be | "will" | "did" Be -> "is" | "am" | "are" Adverb -> "here" | ...