;;; learning:inductive-learning.lisp ;;; Definition for learning problems and ;;; utilities for generating and manipulating example data. ;;; Examples are list of (attribute . value) pairs. ;;; Some of these may be goal values -- no explicit separation in data (defstruct (learning-problem (:print-function print-learning-problem)) examples attributes goals) (defun attribute-name (attribute) (first attribute)) (defun attribute-values (attribute) (rest attribute)) (defun attribute-value (attribute example) (cdr (assoc (attribute-name attribute) example :test #'eq))) (defun random-examples (n attributes &aux (l nil)) (dotimes (i n l) (push (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (cons (attribute-name a) (random-element (attribute-values a)))) attributes) l))) (defun classify (unclassified-examples goals h performance-element) (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (goal value) (cons (attribute-name goal) value)) goals (funcall performance-element h e)) e)) unclassified-examples)) (defun consistent (examples goals h performance-element) (every #'(lambda (e) (every #'(lambda (goal value) (eq (attribute-value goal e) value)) goals (funcall performance-element h e))) examples)) ;;; Coded examples have goal values (in a single list) ;;; followed by attribute values, both in fixed order (defun code-examples (examples attributes goals) (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (code-example e attributes goals)) examples)) (defun code-example (example attributes goals) (cons (mapcar #'(lambda (g) (attribute-value g example)) goals) (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (attribute-value a example)) attributes))) (defun code-unclassified-example (example attributes goals) (declare (ignore goals)) (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (attribute-value a example)) attributes)) (defun print-learning-problem (problem &optional stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (print-unreadable-object (problem stream :type t) (format stream "with ~D examples and ~D attributes" (length (learning-problem-examples problem)) (length (learning-problem-attributes problem)))))