;;; Code for layered feed-forward networks ;;; Network is represented as a list of lists of units. ;;; Inputs assumed to be the ordered attribute values in examples ;;; Every unit gets input 0 set to -1 (defstruct unit parents ;;; sequence of indices of units in previous layer children ;;; sequence of indices of units in subsequent layer weights ;;; weights on links from parents g ;;; activation function (dg nil) ;;; activation gradient function g' (if it exists) a ;;; activation level in ;;; total weighted input gradient ;;; g'(in_i) ) ;;; make-connected-nn returns a multi-layer network with layers given by sizes (defun make-connected-nn (sizes &optional (previous nil) (g #'sigmoid) (dg #'(lambda (x) (let ((gx (funcall g x))) (* gx (- 1 gx))))) &aux (l nil)) (cond ((null (cdr sizes)) nil) (t (when previous (dolist (unit previous) (setf (unit-children unit) (iota (cadr sizes) 1)))) (dotimes (i (cadr sizes)) (push (make-unit :parents (iota (1+ (car sizes))) :children nil :weights (random-weights (1+ (car sizes)) -0.5 +0.5) :g g :dg dg) l)) (cons l (make-connected-nn (cdr sizes) l))))) (defun step-function (threshold x) (if (> x threshold) 1 0)) (defun sign-function (threshold x) (if (> x threshold) 1 -1)) (defun sigmoid (x) (/ 1 (1+ (exp (- x))))) ;;; nn-learning establishes the basic epoch struture for updating, ;;; Calls the desired updating mechanism to improve network until ;;; either all correct or runs out of epochs (defun nn-learning (problem network learning-method &optional (tolerance (* 0.01 (length (learning-problem-examples problem)))) &aux (limit 1000) all-correct error (examples (learning-problem-examples problem)) (attributes (learning-problem-attributes problem)) (goals (learning-problem-goals problem)) (coded-examples (code-examples examples attributes goals))) (dotimes (epoch limit network) (setq all-correct t) (setq error (nn-error coded-examples network)) (dprint (list 'epoch epoch 'error error)) (when (< error tolerance) (return network)) (dolist (e coded-examples) (let ((target (car e)) (predicted (network-output (cdr e) network))) (setq all-correct (and all-correct (equal target predicted))) (setq network (funcall learning-method network (cdr e) predicted target)))) (when all-correct (return network)))) (defun nn-error (examples network &aux (sum 0)) (dolist (e examples (* 0.5 sum)) (let ((target (car e)) (predicted (network-output (cdr e) network))) (mapc #'(lambda (x y) (incf sum (square (- x y)))) predicted target)))) (defun network-output (inputs network) (dolist (layer network inputs) (setq inputs (mapcar #'(lambda (unit) (unit-output (get-unit-inputs inputs (unit-parents unit)) unit)) layer)))) ;;; nn-output is the standard "performance element" for neural networks ;;; and interfaces to example-generating and learning-curve functions. ;;; Since performance elements are required to take only two arguments ;;; (hypothesis and example), nn-output is used in an appropriate ;;; lambda-expression (defun nn-output (network unclassified-example attributes goals) (network-output (code-unclassified-example unclassified-example attributes goals) network)) ;;; unit-output computes the output of a unit given a set of inputs ;;; it always adds a bias input of -1 as the zeroth input (defun unit-output (inputs unit) (setf (unit-a unit) (funcall (unit-g unit) (setf (unit-in unit) (dot-product (unit-weights unit) (cons -1 inputs))))) ; (when (unit-dg unit) ;;; this is the general way to do it ; (setf (unit-gradient unit) ; (funcall dg (unit-in unit)))) ;;; the following is specific to sigmoids (setf (unit-gradient unit) (* (unit-a unit) (- 1 (unit-a unit)))) (unit-a unit)) (defun get-unit-inputs (inputs parents) (mapcar #'(lambda (parent) (nth parent inputs)) parents)) (defun random-weights (n low high &aux (l nil)) (dotimes (i n l) (push (+ low (random (- high low))) l))) ;;; print-nn prints out the network relatively prettily (defun print-nn (network &aux i) (print (cons 'inputs (iota (length (unit-weights (caar network)))))) (dolist (layer network) (print 'layer) (setq i 0) (dolist (unit layer) (incf i) (terpri) (princ " ") (princ (list 'unit i 'weights)) (dolist (w (unit-weights unit)) (format t "~7,3F" w)))))