;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: logic/normal.lisp ;;;; Convert Expressions to Normal Form (Conjunctive, Implicative or Horn) ;;; This could be done much more efficiently. Most often, a special ;;; representation is used for CNF, which eliminates the explicit ANDs ;;; and ORs. This code is meant to be informative, not efficient. ;;;; Top-Level Functions (defun ->cnf (p &optional vars) "Convert a sentence p to conjunctive normal form [p 279-280]." ;; That is, return (and (or ...) ...) where ;; each of the conjuncts has all literal disjuncts. ;; VARS is a list of universally quantified variables that P is in scope of. (setf p (eliminate-implications (logic p))) (case (op p) (NOT (let ((p2 (move-not-inwards (arg1 p)))) (if (literal-clause? p2) p2 (->cnf p2 vars)))) (AND (conjunction (mappend #'(lambda (q) (conjuncts (->cnf q vars))) (args p)))) (OR (merge-disjuncts (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (->cnf q vars)) (args p)))) (ALL (let ((new-vars (mapcar #'new-variable (mklist (arg1 p))))) (->cnf (sublis (mapcar #'cons (mklist (arg1 p)) new-vars) (arg2 p)) (append new-vars vars)))) (EXI (->cnf (skolemize (arg2 p) (arg1 p) vars) vars)) (t p) ; p is atomic )) (defun ->inf (p) "Convert a sentence p to implicative normal form [p 282]." (conjunction (mapcar #'cnf1->inf1 (conjuncts (->cnf p))))) (defun ->horn (p) "Try to convert sentence to a Horn clause, or a conjunction of Horn clauses. Signal an error if this cannot be done." (let ((q (->inf p))) (when (not (every #'horn-clause? (conjuncts q))) (warn "~A, converted to ~A, is not a Horn clause." p q)) q)) (defun logic (sentence) "Canonicalize a sentence into proper logical form." (cond ((stringp sentence) (string->prefix sentence)) (t sentence))) ;;;; Auxiliary Functions (defun cnf1->inf1 (p) ;; P is of the form (or (not a) (not b) ... c d ...) ;; Convert to: (=> (and a b ...) (or c d ...)) ;; where a,b,c,d ... are positive atomic clauses (let ((lhs (mapcar #'arg1 (remove-if-not #'negative-clause? (disjuncts p)))) (rhs (remove-if #'negative-clause? (disjuncts p)))) `(=> ,(conjunction lhs) ,(disjunction rhs)))) (defun eliminate-implications (p) (if (literal-clause? p) p (case (op p) (=> `(or ,(arg2 p) (not ,(arg1 p)))) (<=> `(or (and ,(arg1 p) ,(arg2 p)) (and (not ,(arg1 p)) (not ,(arg2 p))))) (t (cons (op p) (mapcar #'eliminate-implications (args p))))))) (defun move-not-inwards (p) "Given P, return ~P, but with the negation moved as far in as possible." (case (op p) (TRUE 'false) (FALSE 'true) (NOT (arg1 p)) (AND (disjunction (mapcar #'move-not-inwards (args p)))) (OR (conjunction (mapcar #'move-not-inwards (args p)))) (ALL (make-exp 'EXI (arg1 p) (move-not-inwards (arg2 p)))) (EXI (make-exp 'ALL (arg1 p) (move-not-inwards (arg2 p)))) (t (make-exp 'not p)))) (defun merge-disjuncts (disjuncts) "Return a CNF expression for the disjunction." ;; The argument is a list of disjuncts, each in CNF. ;; The second argument is a list of conjuncts built so far. (case (length disjuncts) (0 'false) (1 (first disjuncts)) (t (conjunction (with-collection () (for each y in (conjuncts (merge-disjuncts (rest disjuncts))) do (for each x in (conjuncts (first disjuncts)) do (collect (disjunction (append (disjuncts x) (disjuncts y))))))))))) (defun skolemize (p vars outside-vars) "Within the proposition P, replace each of VARS with a skolem constant, or if OUTSIDE-VARS is non-null, a skolem function of them." (sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (var) (cons var (if (null outside-vars) (skolem-constant var) (cons (skolem-constant var) outside-vars)))) (mklist vars)) p)) (defun skolem-constant (name) "Return a unique skolem constant, a symbol starting with '$'." (intern (format nil "$~A_~D" name (incf *new-variable-counter*)))) (defun renaming? (p q &optional (bindings +no-bindings+)) "Are p and q renamings of each other? (That is, expressions that differ only in variable names?)" (cond ((eq bindings +fail+) +fail+) ((equal p q) bindings) ((and (consp p) (consp q)) (renaming? (rest p) (rest q) (renaming? (first p) (first q) bindings))) ((not (and (variable? p) (variable? q))) +fail+) ;; P and Q are both variables from here on ((and (not (get-binding p bindings)) (not (get-binding q bindings))) (extend-bindings p q bindings)) ((or (eq (lookup p bindings) q) (eq p (lookup q bindings))) bindings) (t +fail+))) ;;;; Utility Predicates and Accessors (defconstant +logical-connectives+ '(and or not => <=>)) (defconstant +logical-quantifiers+ '(all exi)) (defun atomic-clause? (sentence) (not (or (member (op sentence) +logical-connectives+) (member (op sentence) +logical-quantifiers+)))) (defun literal-clause? (sentence) (or (atomic-clause? sentence) (and (eq (op sentence) 'not) (atomic-clause? (arg1 sentence))))) (defun negative-clause? (sentence) (eq (op sentence) 'not)) (defun conjunction? (sentence) (eq (op sentence) 'and)) (defun horn-clause? (sentence) (and (eq (op sentence) '=>) (every #'atomic-clause? (conjuncts (arg1 sentence))) (atomic-clause? (arg2 sentence)))) (defun conjuncts (sentence) "Return a list of the conjuncts in this sentence." (cond ((eq (op sentence) 'and) (args sentence)) ((eq sentence 'true) nil) (t (list sentence)))) (defun disjuncts (sentence) "Return a list of the disjuncts in this sentence." (cond ((eq (op sentence) 'or) (args sentence)) ((eq sentence 'false) nil) (t (list sentence)))) (defun conjunction (args) "Form a conjunction with these args." (case (length args) (0 'true) (1 (first args)) (t (cons 'and args)))) (defun disjunction (args) "Form a disjunction with these args." (case (length args) (0 'false) (1 (first args)) (t (cons 'or args))))