;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: logic/unify.lisp ;;;; Unification and Substitutions (aka Binding Lists) ;;; This code is borrowed from "Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies ;;; in Common Lisp", by Peter Norvig, published by Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. ;;; The complete code from that book is available for ftp at mkp.com in ;;; the directory "pub/Norvig". Note that it uses the term "bindings" ;;; rather than "substitution" or "theta". The meaning is the same. ;;;; Constants (defconstant +fail+ nil "Indicates unification failure") (defconstant +no-bindings+ '((nil)) "Indicates unification success, with no variables.") ;;;; Top Level Functions (defun unify (x y &optional (bindings +no-bindings+)) "See if x and y match with given bindings. If they do, return a binding list that would make them equal [p 303]." (cond ((eq bindings +fail+) +fail+) ((eql x y) bindings) ((variable? x) (unify-var x y bindings)) ((variable? y) (unify-var y x bindings)) ((and (consp x) (consp y)) (unify (rest x) (rest y) (unify (first x) (first y) bindings))) (t +fail+))) (defun rename-variables (x) "Replace all variables in x with new ones." (sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (var) (make-binding var (new-variable var))) (variables-in x)) x)) ;;;; Auxiliary Functions (defun unify-var (var x bindings) "Unify var with x, using (and maybe extending) bindings [p 303]." (cond ((get-binding var bindings) (unify (lookup var bindings) x bindings)) ((and (variable? x) (get-binding x bindings)) (unify var (lookup x bindings) bindings)) ((occurs-in? var x bindings) +fail+) (t (extend-bindings var x bindings)))) (defun replace-?-vars (exp) "Replace any ? within exp with a variable of the form ?123." (cond ((eq exp '?) (new-variable '?)) ((atom exp) exp) (t (reuse-cons (replace-?-vars (first exp)) (replace-?-vars (rest exp)) exp)))) (defun variable? (x) "Is x a variable (a symbol beginning with `?')?" (and (symbolp x) (equal (char (symbol-name x) 0) #\?))) (defun get-binding (var bindings) "Find a (variable . value) pair in a binding list." (assoc var bindings)) (defun binding-var (binding) "Get the variable part of a single binding." (car binding)) (defun binding-val (binding) "Get the value part of a single binding." (cdr binding)) (defun make-binding (var val) (cons var val)) (defun lookup (var bindings) "Get the value part (for var) from a binding list." (binding-val (get-binding var bindings))) (defun extend-bindings (var val bindings) "Add a (var . value) pair to a binding list." (cons (make-binding var val) ;; Once we add a "real" binding, ;; we can get rid of the dummy +no-bindings+ (if (eq bindings +no-bindings+) nil bindings))) (defun occurs-in? (var x bindings) "Does var occur anywhere inside x?" (cond ((eq var x) t) ((and (variable? x) (get-binding x bindings)) (occurs-in? var (lookup x bindings) bindings)) ((consp x) (or (occurs-in? var (first x) bindings) (occurs-in? var (rest x) bindings))) (t nil))) (defun subst-bindings (bindings x) "Substitute the value of variables in bindings into x, taking recursively bound variables into account." (cond ((eq bindings +fail+) +fail+) ((eq bindings +no-bindings+) x) ((and (variable? x) (get-binding x bindings)) (subst-bindings bindings (lookup x bindings))) ((atom x) x) (t (reuse-cons (subst-bindings bindings (car x)) (subst-bindings bindings (cdr x)) x)))) (defun unifier (x y) "Return something that unifies with both x and y (or fail)." (subst-bindings (unify x y) x)) (defun variables-in (exp) "Return a list of all the variables in EXP." (unique-find-anywhere-if #'variable? exp)) (defun unique-find-anywhere-if (predicate tree &optional found-so-far) "Return a list of leaves of tree satisfying predicate, with duplicates removed." (if (atom tree) (if (funcall predicate tree) (adjoin tree found-so-far) found-so-far) (unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (first tree) (unique-find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree) found-so-far)))) (defun find-anywhere-if (predicate tree) "Does predicate apply to any atom in the tree?" (if (atom tree) (funcall predicate tree) (or (find-anywhere-if predicate (first tree)) (find-anywhere-if predicate (rest tree))))) (defvar *new-variable-counter* 0) (defun new-variable (var) "Create a new variable. Assumes user never types variables of form ?X_9" (intern (format nil "~A~A_~D" (if (variable? var) "" "?") var (incf *new-variable-counter*))))