;;; iterative.lisp ;;;; Iterative Improvement Search Algorithms ;;; Currently these do not do repeated-state checking. Each takes a problem ;;; and returns two values: like all search algorithms, the first is a ;;; solution node or nil, but the second value will be the best node found ;;; so far, even if it is not a solution. We will assume that all ;;; evaluations are costs (i.e., we're seeking minima). ;;;; Top Level Functions (defun hill-climbing-search (problem &optional (stopping-criterion #'minimum-or-flat)) "Search by picking the best successor according to heuristic h. Stops according to stopping-criterion." (let ((current (create-start-node problem)) next) (loop (let ((successors (expand current problem))) (when successors (setf next (the-smallest-random-tie #'node-h-cost successors))) (when (or (null successors) (funcall stopping-criterion current next)) (return (values (solved? problem current) current))) (setf current next))))) (defun simulated-annealing-search (problem &optional (schedule (make-exp-schedule))) "Like hill-climbing-search, except that we pick a next node randomly; if it is better, or if the badness of the next node is small and the 'temperature' is large, then we accpet it, otherwise we ignore it. We halt when the temperature, TEMP, hits zero [p 113]." ;; Unlike [p 113], we keep track of successors to avoid generating them twice. ;; Also, we return the best node, rather than the current node (let* ((current (create-start-node problem)) (successors (expand current problem)) (best current) next temp delta) (for time = 1 to infinity do (setf temp (funcall schedule time)) (when (or (= temp 0) (null successors)) (RETURN (values (solved? problem best) best))) (when (< (node-h-cost current) (node-h-cost best)) (setf best current)) (setf next (random-element successors)) (setf delta (- (node-h-cost next) (node-h-cost current))) (when (or (< delta 0.0) ; < because we are minimizing (< (random 1.0) (exp (/ (- delta) temp)))) (setf current next successors (expand next problem)))))) (defun random-restart-search (problem-fn &optional (n 10)) "Random-restart hill-climbing repeatedly calls hill-climbing-search. PROBLEM-FN should return a problem with a random initial state. We look at N different initial states, and keep the best solution found." (let ((best-node nil)) (for i = 1 to n do (multiple-value-bind (solution node) (hill-climbing-search (funcall problem-fn)) (declare (ignore solution)) (when (or (null best-node) (< (node-h-cost node) (node-h-cost best-node))) (setf best-node node)))) best-node)) ;;;; Auxiliary Functions (defun local-minimum (current next) (> (node-h-cost next) (node-h-cost current))) (defun minimum-or-flat (current next) (>= (node-h-cost next) (node-h-cost current))) (defun CSP-termination (current next) (declare (ignore next)) (CSP-goalp (node-state current))) (defun make-exp-schedule (&key (k 20) (lambda 0.005) (limit 100)) "Return an exponential schedule function with time limit." #'(lambda (time) (if (< time limit) (* k (exp (- (* lambda time)))) 0)))