;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: search/algorithms/repeated ;;;; Search Algorithms That Avoid Repeated States ;;; In this file we show algorithms that worry about repeated states. ;;; Here are the three ways to deal with repeated states, from [p 82]: (defun eliminate-returns (nodes) "Get rid of nodes that return to the state they just came from, i.e., where the last two actions just undo each other." (remove-if #'return-node? nodes)) (defun eliminate-cycles (nodes) "Get rid of nodes that end in a state that has appeared before in the path." (remove-if #'looping-node? nodes)) (defun eliminate-all-duplicates (nodes node-table) "Get rid of all nodes that have been seen before in any path." (with-collection () (for each node in nodes do (let ((state (node-state node))) (when (not (gethash state node-table)) (collect node)) (setf (gethash state node-table) node))))) ;;; Here are examples of search algorithms that use these methods. In ;;; retrospect, a better organization would have been to have GENERAL-SEARCH ;;; take two arguments, a problem and a strategy, where the strategy would ;;; have a queueing function and an expansion function as components. That ;;; way, we wouldn't have EXPAND generate nodes that we are just going to ;;; throw away anyway. (defun no-cycles-depth-first-search (problem) "Do depth-first search, but eliminate paths with repeated states." (general-search problem #'(lambda (old-q nodes) (enqueue-at-front old-q (eliminate-cycles nodes))))) (defun no-returns-breadth-first-search (problem) "Do breadth-first search, but eliminate immediate returns to a prior state." (general-search problem #'(lambda (old-q nodes) (enqueue-at-end old-q (eliminate-returns nodes))))) (defun no-duplicates-breadth-first-search (problem) "Do breadth-first search, but eliminate all duplicate states." (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (general-search problem #'(lambda (old-q nodes) (enqueue-at-end old-q (eliminate-all-duplicates nodes table)))))) (defun A*-search (problem) "Search the nodes with the best f cost first. If a node is ever reached by two different paths, keep only the better path." (general-search problem (make-eliminating-queuing-fn #'node-f-cost))) (defun make-eliminating-queuing-fn (eval-fn) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) #'(lambda (old-q nodes) (enqueue-by-priority old-q (with-collection () (for each node in nodes do (let ((old-node (gethash (node-state node) table))) (cond ((null old-node) ;; First time we've reached state; just return node (setf (gethash (node-state node) table) node) (collect node)) ((<= (funcall eval-fn old-node) (funcall eval-fn node)) ;; If the old node is better, discard the new node nil) (t;; Otherwise, discard the old node (setf (node-expanded? old-node) t) (setf (gethash (node-state node) table) node) (collect node)))))) eval-fn)))) ;;;; Auxiliary Functions (defun looping-node? (node &optional (depth infinity)) "Did this node's state appear previously in the path?" ;; Search up to DEPTH nodes deep in the path (let ((n (node-parent node))) (for i = 1 to depth do (when (null n) (return nil)) (when (equal (node-state node) (node-state n)) (return t)) (setf n (node-parent n))))) (defun return-node? (node) "Is this a node that returns to the state it just came from?" (looping-node? node 2))