;;; File: search/algorithms/simple.lisp ;;; Then we define the GENERAL-SEARCH function, and then a set of search ;;; functions that follow specific search strategies: BREADTH-FIRST-SEARCH, ;;; DEPTH-FIRST-SEARCH, DEPTH-LIMITED-SEARCH, ITERATIVE-DEEPENING-SEARCH, ;;; UNIFORM-COST-SEARCH, TREE-BEST-FIRST-SEARCH and TREE-A*-SEARCH. ;;; None of these algorithms worries about repeated states in the search. (defun general-search (problem queuing-fn) "Expand nodes according to the specification of PROBLEM until we find a solution or run out of nodes to expand. The QUEUING-FN decides which nodes to look at first. [p 73]" (let ((nodes (make-initial-queue problem queuing-fn)) node) (loop (if (empty-queue? nodes) (RETURN nil)) (setq node (remove-front nodes)) (if (solved? problem node) (RETURN node)) (funcall queuing-fn nodes (expand node problem))))) (defun breadth-first-search (problem) "Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first. [p 74]" (general-search problem #'enqueue-at-end)) (defun depth-first-search (problem) "Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first. [p 78]" (general-search problem #'enqueue-at-front)) (defun recursive-depth-first-search (problem &optional (node (create-start-node problem))) "Recursive depth-first search (with no explicit queue)" ;; A different way of implementing depth-first-search (cond ((solved? problem node) node) (t (for each n in (expand node problem) do (let ((solution (recursive-depth-first-search problem n))) (when solution (RETURN solution))))))) (defun iterative-deepening-search (problem) "Do a series of depth-limited searches, increasing depth each time. [p 79]" (for depth = 0 to infinity do (let ((solution (depth-limited-search problem depth))) (when solution (RETURN solution))))) (defun depth-limited-search (problem &optional (limit infinity) (node (create-start-node problem))) "Search depth-first, but only up to LIMIT branches deep in the tree." (cond ((solved? problem node) node) ((>= (node-depth node) limit) nil) (t (for each n in (expand node problem) do (let ((solution (depth-limited-search problem limit n))) (when solution (RETURN solution))))))) ;;;; Search Algorithms That Use Heuristic Information (defun best-first-search (problem eval-fn) "Search the nodes with the best evaluation first. [p 93]" (flet ((queuing-fn (old-q nodes) (enqueue-by-priority old-q nodes eval-fn))) (general-search problem #'queuing-fn))) (defun greedy-search (problem) "Best-first search using H (heuristic distance to goal). [p 93]" (best-first-search problem #'node-h-cost)) (defun tree-a*-search (problem) "Best-first search using F (estimated total cost, or G + H). [p 97]" (best-first-search problem #'node-f-cost)) (defun uniform-cost-search (problem) "Best-first search using G (cost so far). Discussion on [p 75]" (best-first-search problem #'node-g-cost)) ;;;; Utility Function (defun make-initial-queue (problem queuing-fn) (let ((q (make-empty-queue))) (funcall queuing-fn q (list (create-start-node problem))) q))