;;; sma.lisp ;;; Currently contains definition for a version of SMA* that operates on ;;; search trees (i.e., no repeated-state checking). ;;; [[Need to update to eliminate looping when memory is too small ;;; and to signal suboptimal solutions when appropriate.]] ;;; Although the basic algorithm is quite simple, the bookkeeping is not. (defun tree-sma (problem &optional (memory-size 20) &aux n (start (create-start-node problem)) (q (make-search-tree start (node-f-cost start))) (memory-used 1)) (loop (when (empty-tree q) (return nil)) (setq n (deepest-least-leaf q)) (when (solved? problem n) (return n)) (when (= (node-f-cost n) infinity) (return nil)) (let ((s (tree-get-next-successor n q memory-size problem))) (when s (unless (node-unexpanded n) ;;; n exhausted, drop from queue (delete-element n q (node-f-cost n))) (incf memory-used) (insert-element s q (node-f-cost s)) (when (> memory-used memory-size) (tree-prune-open q) (decf memory-used))))) ) ;;; tree-get-next-successor returns the next successor of n, if any (else nil) (defun tree-get-next-successor (n q memory-size problem &aux (next nil)) (unless (node-expanded? n) (setf (node-unexpanded n) (if (= (1+ (node-depth n)) memory-size) (list 'done) (nconc (expand n problem) (list 'done)))) (setf (node-expanded? n) t)) (unless (eq (car (node-unexpanded n)) 'done) (setq next (pop (node-unexpanded n))) (push next (node-successors n))) (unless (node-completed? n) (when (eq (car (node-unexpanded n)) 'done) ;;; all successors examined (pop (node-unexpanded n)) (setf (node-completed? n) t) (tree-backup-f-cost n q t))) next) ;;; tree-backup-f-cost updates the f-cost for a node's ancestors as needed (defun tree-backup-f-cost (node q &optional (was-open? nil) &aux (current (node-f-cost node)) (least infinity)) (when (node-completed? node) (dolist (s (node-successors node)) (let ((v (node-f-cost s))) (when (< v least) (setq least v)))) (dolist (s (node-unexpanded node)) (let ((v (node-f-cost s))) (when (< v least) (setq least v)))) (when (> least current) (when (or was-open? (openp node)) ;;; changing f value - re-order (delete-element node q current) (insert-element node q least)) (setf (node-f-cost node) least) (let ((parent (node-parent node))) (when parent (tree-backup-f-cost parent q)))))) ;;; tree-prune-open removes the worst node from the open list. ;;; The node is discarded from the open list, and its successors are ;;; dumped to recycle memory. If the parent was closed, it must be ;;; re-opened, with an updated f-cost (no need to do this until now ;;; because it wasn't on the open list anyway). Closed parent or not, ;;; the worstnode becomes an unexpanded successor of the parent. (defun tree-prune-open (q &aux (worstnode (shallowest-largest-leaf q)) (parent (node-parent worstnode))) (delete-element worstnode q (node-f-cost worstnode)) (setf (node-successors worstnode) nil) ;;;actually free up memory (setf (node-expanded? worstnode) nil) (unless (node-unexpanded parent) ;;;parent was closed - need to re-open (insert-element parent q (node-f-cost parent))) (tree-unexpand-successor worstnode parent)) (defun tree-unexpand-successor (successor parent) (setf (node-unexpanded parent) (nconc (node-unexpanded parent) (list successor))) (setf (node-successors parent) (delete successor (node-successors parent) :test #'eq)) (when (node-completed? parent) (unless (node-successors parent) (setf (node-unexpanded parent) nil) ;;; reclaim space (setf (node-expanded? parent) nil) (setf (node-completed? parent) nil)))) (defun deepest-least-leaf (q) (the-biggest #'(lambda (n) (node-depth n)) (search-tree-node-value (leftmost q)))) (defun shallowest-largest-leaf (q) (the-smallest-that #'(lambda (n) (node-depth n)) #'leafp (search-tree-node-value (rightmost q)))) (defun find-leaf (node &aux (s (node-successors node))) (if s (find-leaf (car s)) node)) (defun leafp (n) (null (node-successors n))) (defun openp (n) (or (not (node-expanded? n)) (node-unexpanded n)))