;;; uncertainty/algorithms/dp.lisp ;;; Basic dynamic programming routines for MDPs (Markov decision processes): ;;; value iteration, value determination, and policy iteration. ;;; MDP agents pass in an mdp and expect a policy in return. (defun value-iteration-policy (mdp) (optimal-policy (value-iteration mdp) (mdp-model mdp) (mdp-rewards mdp))) ;;; Given an environment model M, value iteration ;;; determine the values of states U. ;;; Basic equation is U(i) <- r(i) + max_a sum_j M(a,i,j)U(j) ;;; where U(j) MUST be the old value not the new. (defun value-iteration (mdp &optional (Uold (copy-hash-table (mdp-rewards mdp) #'identity)) &key (epsilon 0.000001) &aux (Unew (copy-hash-table Uold #'identity)) (max-delta infinity) (M (mdp-model mdp)) (R (mdp-rewards mdp))) (do () ((< max-delta epsilon) Unew) (setq max-delta 0) (rotatef Uold Unew) ;;; switch contents; then we will overwrite Unew (maphash #'(lambda (s u) (unless (sink? s M) (setf (gethash s Unew) (+ (gethash s R) (if (gethash s M) (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (q-value a s Uold M R)) (actions s M))) 0)))) (setq max-delta (max max-delta (abs (- (gethash s Unew) u))))) Uold))) ;;; A state is a sink if there are no actions that can lead to another state. ;;; Sinks can arise by accident during reinforcement learning of an environment ;;; model. Because they cause infinite loops, they must be detected. (defun sink? (s M) (notany #'(lambda (a) (some #'(lambda (transition) (not (equal s (transition-destination transition)))) (transitions a s M))) (actions s M))) ;;; Given an initial policy P and initial utilities U, calculate the optimal ;;; policy. Do this by value determination alternating with policy update. (defun policy-iteration (mdp &optional (U (copy-hash-table (mdp-rewards mdp) #'identity)) &aux (M (mdp-model mdp)) (R (mdp-rewards mdp)) (P (optimal-policy U M R)) (unchanged nil) new) (do () (unchanged P) (setq unchanged t) (setq U (value-determination P U M R)) (maphash #'(lambda (s aplist) (declare (ignore aplist)) (setq new (dmax-choice s U M R)) (when (> (q-value new s U M R) (q-value (caar (gethash s P)) s U M R) ) (setq unchanged nil) (setf (gethash s P) (list (list new 1.0))))) P))) ;;; Given a fixed policy and a model, calculate the value of each state. ;;; This version does it by an iterative process similar to value iteration. ;;; Basic equation is U(i) <- r(i) + sum_j M(P(i),i,j)U(j) ;;; where U(j) MUST be the old value not the new. ;;; A better alternative is to set up the value equations and solve them ;;; using matrix methods. (defun value-determination (P Uold M R &key (epsilon 0.000001) &aux Unew (max-delta infinity)) (setf Unew (copy-hash-table Uold #'identity)) (do () ((< max-delta epsilon) Unew) (setq max-delta 0) (rotatef Uold Unew) (maphash #'(lambda (s u) (unless (sink? s M) (setf (gethash s Unew) (+ (gethash s R) (if (gethash s M) (q-value (caar (gethash s P)) s Uold M R) 0)))) (setq max-delta (max max-delta (abs (- (gethash s Unew) u))))) Uold))) ;;; Compute optimal policy given U and M (defun optimal-policy (U M R &aux (P (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (maphash #'(lambda (s md) (declare (ignore md)) (setf (gethash s P) (list (list (max-choice s U M R) 1.0)))) M) P) ;;; The following functions select actions in particular states ;;; Pick a random action (defun policy-choice (state P &aux (aplist (gethash state P)) (r (random 1.0))) (dolist (a-p aplist) (decf r (second a-p)) (unless (plusp r) (return (first a-p))))) (defun random-choice (state U M R) (declare (ignore state U M R)) (random-element '(left right up down))) ;;; Pick the currently best action with tie-breaking (defun max-choice (state U M R) (car (the-biggest-random-tie #'(lambda (ants) (q-value (car ants) state U M R)) (gethash state M)))) ;;; Simply pick a currently best action deterministically (defun dmax-choice (state U M R) (car (the-biggest #'(lambda (ants) (q-value (car ants) state U M R)) (gethash state M)))) ;;; Q(a,s) is the value of doing a in s, calculated by averaging over the ;;; utilities of the possible outcomes. Used in several update equations. (defun q-value (action state U M R &aux (v 0)) (declare (ignore R)) (dolist (transition (transitions action state M) v) (incf v (* (transition-probability transition) (gethash (transition-destination transition) U)))))