;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: utilities/test.lisp (deftest utilities "Test the macros" ((with-collection () (for i = 1 to 5 do (collect i))) (equal * '(1 2 3 4 5))) ((with-collection (summing 0 +) (for i = 1 to 5 do (summing i))) (equal * 15)) ((with-collection () (for each x in '(a b) do (collect x))) (equal * '(a b))) ((with-collection () (setq i 1) (while (< i 5) do (collect i) (incf i))) (equal * '(1 2 3 4))) ((with-collection () (setq i 1) (repeat (collect i) (incf i) until (> i 5))) (equal * '(1 2 3 4 5))) "First, some operations on lists." ((length>1 '(a b c)) *) ((random-element '(a b c)) (member * '(a b c))) ((mappend #'reverse '((a b c) (1 2 3))) (equal * '(c b a 3 2 1))) ((starts-with '(hi there) 'hi) *) ((last1 '(a b c)) (eq * 'c)) ((transpose '((a b c) (d e f))) (equal * '((a d) (b e) (c f)))) ((setq l '(a b c))) ((deletef 'a l) (equal l '(b c))) "Now for 2-dimensional points." ((xy-add (@ 1 2) (@ 10 20)) (equal * (@ 11 22))) ((xy-distance (@ 0 0) (@ 3 4)) (= * 5)) "Numeric utilities" ((average '(10 20 30)) (= * 20)) ((sum '(10 20 30)) (= * 60)) ((sum '(1 2 3) #'square) (= * 14)) ((random-integer 8 10) (member * '(8 9 10))) ((fuzz 10) (<= 9 * 11)) ((round-off 3.14159 .01) (< 3.139 * 3.141)) "Other" ((stringify '(a b c)) (equalp * "(A B C)")) ((concat-symbol 'a 1) (eq * 'a1)) ((funcall (compose #'- #'sqrt) 16) (= * -4)) ((setq nums '(1 2 3 4 -5 -2 -1))) ((the-biggest #'identity nums) (eql * 4)) ((the-biggest #'abs nums) (eql * -5)) ((the-biggest-that #'identity #'oddp nums) (eql * 3)) ((the-smallest-random-tie #'abs nums) (member * '(1 -1))) "Now test the priority queue code." ((heap-sort '(1 4 3 5 2 0)) (equal * '(0 1 2 3 4 5))) ((heap-sort '(1 4 3 5 2 6) :key #'-) (equal * '(6 5 4 3 2 1))) "Now destructuring-bind" ((destructuring-bind ((a . b) c &rest d &key e (f 5)) '((1 . 2) 3 :e 4) (list a b c d e f)) (equal * '(1 2 3 (:e 4) 4 5))) )