Kettle on Countertop with cutting plane

original was TIFF, 24-bit, RGB format, 324x243, 246 colors
converted to 8-bit GIF for Mosaic compatibility

This image consists of a small tea kettle on a countertop. A cutting plane was added to the original scene ( to produce a gradiated shadow for the upper cabinets. The scene is illuminated by a single barn-light and all objects are rendered as plastic.

This picture uses the feature of our implementation, that cutting planes can pass through objects in the scene. Notice that the gradiated shadow does not fall on the upper cabinets. The cutting plane is oriented such that it lies parallel to the wall, behind the face of the cabinets but in front of the wall. Consequently, if you were to open the cabinet doors, the back wall of the cabinet would be completely black, regardless of the light incident upon it.

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