

The release contains 6 major applications: cswec, eigenvalue, em3d, grobner, phylogeny, and tripuzzle. cswec is a conservative parallel timing simulator for digital circuit. eigenvalue computes the eigenvaules of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix using the bisection algorithm. em3d is a bulk-synchronous program that models the propagation of electromagnetic waves through objects in three dimensions. grobner computes the Gröbner basis for a set of polynomials. phylogeny finds the maximal sets of characters that form a perfect phylogeny tree. tripuzzle computes the number of solutions to the tripuzzle problem.

cswec uses the DistObj, Graph and Snapshot data structures. eigenvalue uses the RanQue data structure. em3d uses the Bipartite data structure. grobner uses the ObjLayer data structure. phylogeny uses the DistObj and TaskStealer data structures. tripuzzle uses the HashTable data structure.

The following sections describe each application in more details.

Chih-Po Wen
Wed Sep 13 23:57:28 PDT 1995