CASTLE PROJECT -- U.C. Berkeley, Computer Science Division

1995 Castle Retreat Slides

Title: Modeling the Benefits of Mixed Task and Data Parallelism (Postscript, 100K)
Presented by: Kathy Yelick

Title: pSather (Postscript, 106K)
Presented by: David Stoutamire

Title: ScaLAPACK - A Scalable Linear Algebra Library (Postscript, 84K)
Presented by: Inderjit Dhillon

Title: Parallel Solution of Sparse Linear Systems Using Direct Methods (Postscript, 154K)
Presented by: Xiaoye Li

Title: PHIPAC: Portable High Performance Ansi C (Postscript, 40K)
Presented by: Jeff Bilmes

Title: Communication-Driven Scheduling: Incorporating Parallel Jobs into UNIX (Postscript, 431K)
Presented by: Andrea Dusseau

Tite: Out-Of-Core Application on Parallel Machines (Postscript, 105K)
Presented by: Eun-Jin Im

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Eric J. Fraser