14.arch/RHK.keeton .ls 2 .na .LP Evaluating Video Layout Strategies on a High-Bandwidth File Server Kimberly Keeton (Professor R. H. Katz) AT&T Bell Labs and (DOE) DE-FD03-92ER25135 Recent advances in workstation architecture, high-speed networking, and storage technologies have enabled new kinds of multimedia systems. One such system is a multimedia server that supports the playback of stored video to client display devices. Video storage servers must address the storage requirements of video files, as well as the strict delay and delay jitter requirements on the retrieval of video data. Video servers must also maximize the number of concurrent requests that can be satisfied, without violating any of the clients' performance requirements. In addition to these concerns, video servers must be able to support a widely varying client population, from portable computers with simple black-and-white displays to workstations with sophisticated color displays. Existing video storage systems may waste server resources by using a single representation to satisfy all user requests. This one representation must be converted using dithering and resizing algorithms (in addition to decompression) to a representation that satisfies the requested quality of service (QOS). To address these issues, we draw upon the work of several Berkeley research groups. First, we take advantage of the high concurrency, bandwidth, and capacity provided by Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAIDs), such as the prototype designed by Berkeley's RAID group [2]. Second, we address the heterogeneity problem by storing multiple resolutions of video on the server. Prof. Avideh Zakhor's group has developed scalable compression algorithms which can be used to satisfy client requests with representations that closely match the requested QOS, requiring only decompression for playback [1]. The storage of multiple resolutions of data may also be used to accommodate as many playback requests as possible; in case of overload, the server may switch the representations of some streams to use those that place less demand on the server, the network, or both. We are currently experimenting with several strategies for the layout of scalably compressed data on a RAID-style disk array. We have developed an event-driven simulator to evaluate the performance of several layout schemes on the basis of disk system utilization, number of concurrent users, and service time, for various levels of user activity and qualities of service. [1] E. Chang and A. Zakhor, "Scalable Video Coding Using 3-D Subband Velocity Coding and Multirate Quantization," Proc. ICASSP, 1993. [2] E. Lee, P. M. Chen, J. H. Hartman, A. L. Drapeau, E. L. Miller, R. H. Katz, G. A. Gibson, and D. A. Patterson, RAID-II: A Scalable Storage Architecture for High-Bandwidth Network File Service, UC Berkeley Electronics Research Laboratory, Memorandum No. UCB/CSD 92/672, 1992.