14.arch/JW.lazzaro .ls 2 .na .LP Analog VLSI Sensory Processing John Lazzaro (Professor J. Wawrzynek) AT&T Bell Laboratories, (NSF) MIP-89-58568, and (ONR) URI-N00014-92-J-1672 Our work centers on building practical computing systems that use analog integrated circuit models of biological processing as components. Our current focus is on auditory processing, with the goal of producing useful devices for speech recognition, music processing, and other auditory applications. Complementary research on the use of these analog models in digital computing systems is also needed. Simplistic approaches to these problems can eliminate the benefits of analog processing. The low power consumption, compact circuits, and clean representations of analog auditory models are only relevant if the system integration approach complements and preserves these characteristics. Our research centers on developing appropriate circuit, architecture, and software integration technologies for these models. Integrating these analog elements into a digital computer system requires a careful approach. The interface methods must complement and preserve the low power consumption, compact circuits, and clean representations of analog auditory models. Our research centers on developing appropriate circuit, architecture, and software integration technologies for these models. Another major practical issue is the generation of digitally programmable analog parameters, to control the behavior of the analog processing. In collaboration with Alan Kramer, we have developed a novel method for using floating-gate tunneling techniques for non-volatile analog storage of parameters. This method does not need special VLSI processing steps; it allows for digital control of the analog parameters. We have recently fabricated an analog auditory model that uses these two technologies. The chip is a 122-channel auditory model of spectral shape. Sound input to the chip is an analog signal, while the output from the chip is digital; in this sense the chip is a special-purpose, low-power analog-to-digital converter for auditory applications. We are currently evaluating the suitability of the chip as a processor for music and speech applications. [1] J. P. Lazzaro, J. Wawrzynek, M. Mahowald, M. Sivilotti, and D. Gillespie, "Silicon Auditory Processors as Computer Peripherals," IEEE J. Neural Networks, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1993, pp. 523-528. [2] J. P. Lazzaro, "A Silicon Model of an Auditory Neural Representation of Spectral Shape," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol. 26, 1991, pp. 772-777.