17.op/DEC.martin .ls 2 .na .LP .m From rmartin@squeak.CS.Berkeley.EDU Fri Oct 8 14:50:23 1993 A Fast Communication Path for Workstations Richard P. Martin (Professor D. E. Culler) Hewlett-Packard Current workstation network communication primitives consume on the order of 20,000 processor cycles to exchange messages between user-level processes. The addition of parallel programming environments on top of the basic protocol processing stacks increases the overhead by factors of three to four. As a result of this massive amount of overhead, parallel programming tools only deliver the functionality of a parallel program, they do not realize any performance. Previous work at Berkeley on Active Messages delivered the full communication performance of MPP hardware to application programs [1]. We aim to achieve similar results in a workstation environment. The testbed consists of two HP 9000/720 workstations connected by a high-speed fiber optic network. The primary purpose of this study will be to achieve an extremely fast path from the user-level initiation of a communication event to the actual hardware transfer, and more importantly, back up to the user level on the remote workstation. We plan to develop an extension of Active Messages that addresses unreliable hardware, the impact of process scheduling, and flow control in the context of a workstation operating system. [1] T. von Eicken, D. E. Culler, S. C. Goldstein, and K. E. Schauser, Active Messages: A Mechanism for Integrated Communication and Computation, UC Berkeley Computer Science Division, Report No. UCB/CSD 92/675, March 1992.