Chapter 19 Excerpted from the 1994 Research Summary (Copyright 1994, UC Regents) Contact person: Carol Block, ILP Coordinator ( 510.643-6691, 643-6694 fax In the Computer Sciences Division of EECS, Professors Demmel, Fateman, Kahan, and Parlett work on the infrastructure that supports computer users and their scientific applications. Their work in this department complements the strengths of other departments, like Mathematics, in which Professors Demmel, Kahan, and Parlett are jointly appointed in numerical analysis and its applications. Professor Kahan won the 1989 A.M. Turing Award of the ACM for, among other things, his role in the design of the ANSI/IEEE standard 754-1985 for floating-point arithmetic in computers. Before 1980, when the IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic standard began to influence arithmetic design, every computer manufacturer supplied his own mathematical library of elementary functions like EXP and COS. These libraries varied widely in quality, but tended on average to be superior in speed and/or accuracy to the rather poor "portable" libraries that came with C and UNIX. After 1985, when Prof. Kahan's students produced most of a portable mathematical library for 4.3 BSD UNIX running on machines that conform to IEEE 754, the situation changed. That library was distributed and copied very widely (for instance, by IBM on its first RISC-based products) because of its high quality. Subsequent improvements, some published and others immenently to be published, have pushed both speed and accuracy beyond the best available on a few computers before 1980, but now available to practically everybody. Currently, work on a few non-elementary functions like GAMMA and ERF continue to be pursued by Prof. Kahan's students and ex-students. Prof. Kahan also collaborates on numerical libraries like LAPACK with his colleagues, Profs. Demmel and Parlett, and their students. He has turned his attention especially to the handling of exceptions like division-by-zero, over/underflow and sqrt(negative). These exceptions cannot be dismissed cavalierly as programming errors without jeopardizing our ability to manage concurrent (parallel) computation efficiently. Prof. Kahan also shares with Prof. Fateman an intense interest in computerized symbolic algebra and analysis. Professor Kahan is also currently working on unconventional numerical ODE algorithms that are efficient for problems arising in chemical kinetics and celestial mechanics. Professor Fateman heads a project to improve algebraic computation capabilities on interactive scientific workstations. This work includes the development of algorithms that can exploit parallelism in time-consuming symbolic computations. Other activities include the development of techniques for improved environments for combined symbolic and numerical techniques for problem-solving, and of interactive proofs of the correctness of manipulations. Another project explores the use of large memory systems in the generation, storage, and retrieval of tables of integrals and similar formulas. Professor Parlett and his students are concentrating on solving large systems of equations (over 1000 degrees of freedom), large generalized eigenvalue problems, and the computation of the exponential of small matrices (n <= 50). Problems like these arise in the static and dynamic analysis of plastic structures, electric circuits, models of a country's economy, and certain chemical plants. The project on computing the matrix exponential is complete, except for testing and documentation. Reliable and black-box implementations of the Lanczos algorithm are also in the testing stage. This code solves the general linear eigenvalue problem and allows the mass matrix to be singular, that is, infinite eigenvalues do not hinder the calculation of the finite ones. Professor Demmel, appointed to EECS and Mathematics in spring 1990, participates in a variety of programs, some carried over from his previous work at New York University's Courant Institute. His current research focuses on the LAPACK project, which is producing linear algebra software for high performance computers. The first LAPACK release in February 1992 was for vector machines, shared memory parallel computers, and high performance workstations. The second release will address the harder problem of distributed memory machines like the Thinking Machines CM-5 and Intel Paragon. It will have software for sparse matrices as well as dense matrices. This is joint work with Profs. Kahan and Parlett, Prof. Jack Dongarra and Dr. David Walker at the University of Tennessee, Prof. Dan Sorensen at Rice University, and Prof. Michael Heath at the University of Illinois. In addition, he is parallelizing a global atmospheric chemistry model, as part of a NASA/HPCC-funded effort to model the earth's climate.