19.num/JWD.ZB.robinson .ls 2 .na .LP Parallel Algorithms for the Nonsymmetric Eigenproblem Howard Robinson (Professors J. W. Demmel and Z. Bai*) (ARPA) DAAL03-91-C-0047 and (NSF) ASC-90-05933 The dense nonsymmetric eigenproblem is one of the hardest linear algebra problems to solve effectively on massively parallel machines. Rather than trying to design a "black box" eigenroutine in the spirit of EISPACK or LAPACK, we are building a toolbox for this problem. The tools are meant to be used in different combinations on different problems and architectures. These tools include basic block matrix computations, the matrix sign function, two-dimensional bisection, and spectral divide and conquer using the matrix sign function to find selected eigenvalues. We have a partial error analysis, and know how to extend the methods to the generalized nonsymmetric eigenproblem. We have attained excellent speedups on the CM-5, Intel Gamma, and Intel Delta, whereas the standard serial algorithm offers only fine-grain parallelism that is difficult to exploit. * University of Kentucky