19.num/JWD.WK.li2 .ls 2 .na .LP Solving Secular Equations for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblem Ren Cang Li (Professors W. Kahan and J. W. Demmel) (ARPA) DM28E04120 The divide-and-conquer algorithm for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem is one of the two fastest algorithms for the problem. It was introduced by Cuppen in 1981. Despite numerous attempts, no numerically reliable implementation has been constructed until now. One difficulty has been in solving the so-called secular equation with sufficient accuracy to stably merge the solutions of the subproblems produced by the divide-and-conquer paradigm. We construct effective ways to solve secular equations by interpolating the secular functions rationally. This eliminates instabilities in the previous best algorithm by Sorensen and Tang. Our algorithm gives a significant speedup over the traditional QR iteration for sufficiently large matrices. This work is part of the LAPACK project, which is producing high-performance numerical linear algebra software for high-performance machines. A parallel implementation of this algorithm is being constructed by J. Rutter (see elsewhere in this chapter).