19.num/JWD.WK.li .ls 2 .na .LP Solving Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations Ren Cang Li (Professors W. Kahan and J. W. Demmel) (ARPA) DM28E04120 The best stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers are backward differentiation formulas (BDF), each of which involves solving a system of nonlinear equations at every step. These nonlinear equations may be expensive to solve. In practice, many stiff ODEs have a common property: their solutions eventually approach some attractive stationary point that is often known in advance. This property has not been exploited in available ODE solvers. To exploit this property, we find various kinds of divided differences of vector functions to be helpful. Using them replaces nonlinear equations in the BDF by linear equations to be solved without iterations at each time step without degrading the BDFs order. Furthermore, the linear equations' solution tends to the known attractive stationary point as stepsize goes to infinity. This is crucial to maintain numerical stability at larger stepsizes. Whether these larger stepsizes will lead to significantly faster numerical methods remains to be seen.