12 Open Problems in Industrial Robotics

Although there are countless open problems in robotics, we hope that by defining what we consider to be the 12 most important open problems in RISC robotics, effort can be concentrated in those areas. In the past year, a number of new problems have emerged. Our objective is to identify new theoretical problems with near-term relevance for industrial robotics.

We welcome feedback and/or comments to this list. In addition we would like to add pointers to people currently working on particular problems so that open communication is maintained and duplicate work does not occur. Also, pointers to relevant papers should be added. We welcome submissions of work in progress in this location for feedback. For any comments or changes please contact Eric Paulos.

The current list came out of a workshop held at Adept by Ken Goldberg in December 1994 and as he points out, "The goal is to specify problems as crisply as possible; the list below is just a first cut." In addition, full credit for this exceptional list should go to Ken Goldberg.

The list below of the 12 open problems is presented in no particular order. The challenge for each problem is is to define optimality and then find an efficient algorithm or prove that no such algorithm exists.

[1] Computing Line and Ray Hull

Description coming soon....

[2] RISC Sensor Design

Given a family of parts, find a geometric arrangement of cross-beam, parallel-beam, or a small set of sparse-depth sensors to optimally determine pose or to distinguish between parts in this family. Model Generation for RISC Sensors. Given a polygonal part profile, efficiently generate a lookup table for estimating pose using a parallel-beam sensor.

[3] Design of Gripper Jaws

Given a set of grasps on a known part or set of parts, design a shape for each gripper jaw that makes all necessary contacts without collisions and optimizes grasp stability for each grasp.

Work in progress by Eric Paulos and John Canny

[4] Autoplace

Given a desired trajectory for the robot wrist and a model of robot kinematics/dynamics, locate the robot base to minimize total travel time (an analytic measure might be weighted travel for all joints). Autoplace.1. As above, but consider the base fixed and locate targets subject to workspace constraints. Autoplace.2 Given desired positions for parts in workspace, locate the camera to minimize parallax effects, obstructions, etc. while permitting maximal resolution. Autoplace.3 As above, but let all positions vary simultaneously.

[5] Pose Estimation for Tipped Parts

Known parts arrive in pallets but may be tipped 20-30 degrees from a nominal pose. Similar effects arise due to camera parallax as pallet height changes (eg, when unstacking layers from a carton). This is far more constrained than general 3D vision. Find a low-cost, fast (<100msec), and reliable method for localizing and grasping such parts.

[6] Predicting Feeder Throughput

To predict throuput for a flexible part feeder based on dropped parts, we need to predict the distribution of stable poses. Given a CAD part model with center of gravity, find the set of stable poses of the part and estimate a random distribution on this set. A quasi-static model projects cog onto a unit sphere and compares projected area of each face of the part's convex hull, taking care to propagate probability from unstable faces onto stable faces. Improve this with a dynamic model that incorporates friction and coefficient of restitution but runs in polynomial time.

[7] Find-Space for Dropped Parts

To simulate a flexible part feeder, we model parts dropping from a known height onto a worktable. The current model proposes a random final position for the part depending on drop height and coefficient of restitution, but uses generate-and-test to avoid collisions with existing parts. Given a collection of obstacles, find a pose where a new part can be placed without collision. Is there an efficient on-line algorithm?

[8] Grasp Planning for Parallel-Jaw Gripper

For each stable pose of a given polyhedral part, find a grasp assuming two point contacts. The grasp should minimize reliance on friction and should be robust to small errors in part pose, for example using Brost-like push-grasping.

[9] Grasp Planning for Pivoting Gripper

As above but consider a pivoting axis between the contact points. Given initial and desired final pose of the part, find a grasp that will permit the part to be pivoted into the desired final pose. Rao/Kriegman/Goldberg give an O(n\logn) algorithm (for polyhedral parts with n faces) for finding all pivot grasps that rely on gravity to cause pivoting.

[10] On-Line Motion/Grasp-Circuit Planning

Given parts arriving at unpredictable times on a conveyor belt, give an algorithm for rapidly scheduling efficient grasp paths. Gripper may have multiple suction cups that must be "loaded" during each pass: Given a robot gripper with k suction cups and a collection of n parts on a conveyor belt in poses determined by an overhead vision system, rapidly approximate an optimal path for loading the suction cups and depositing the collection in a pallet. A variant considers possible collisions with a second arm. Algorithm must trade off plan time vs. execution time.

[11] DFX

Design for X, where X is a property related to manufacturing such as feedability or fixturability. Quantify such a property and then develop an algorithm that takes an existing geometric design as input and generates a new design that gives better performance for X.

[12] 3D Fixture Design

Given part geometry, design a minimal set of modular components capable of holding a broad class of 3D parts. Then develop an algorithm that, given part geometry, will find an optimal arrangement of these components.

UCB Robotics Lab / Eric Paulos / 26 May 1995