Protocols for Providing Performance Guarantees in a Packet-Switching Internet Carlyn M. Lowery Computer Science Division University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 Abstract As advances in technology enable us to implement very high speed computer networks, we expect to use our networks for more diverse applications. While the Internet was designed with textual data processing in mind, future net- works will carry information such as voice, music, images, and video, along with textual data. Many new applications will have real-time performance requirements, where the tim- ing of data arrival is crucial to its usefulness. This paper describes a methodology developed at the University of California at Berkeley to support such appli- cations, reviews related research work, and proposes a real-time delivery system, composed of a new protocol for administration of real-time connections, combined with modifications to the Internet Protocol (IP) to support such connections. Transport protocol requirements are also dis- cussed. This work is intended to facilitate experiments with real-time communication over the Experimental Univer- sity Network (XUNET).