Efficient Multicasting for Interactive Multimedia Applications Clemens Szyperski and Giorgio Ventre The Tenet Group International Computer Science Institute and Computer Science Division Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley e-mail: {szyperski,ventre}@icsi.berkeley.edu ICSI Technical Report TR-93-017 March 1993 Abstract A specific class of multimedia applications is expected to be of importance for future communication networks: Multi-Party In- teractive Multimedia (MIM). Based on the isolation and character- ization of MIM applications, concrete network support require- ments are derived in this paper. The varying degree of connec- tivity, the vastly different sizes in terms of participants and the reliance on a guaranteed Quality of Service make MIM support a difficult problem. Starting with the definition of multimedia communication abstractions, principles of solutions are sketched. For an important subclass of applications a particularly effi- cient and practicable alternative implementation based on half- duplex channels is introduced. Finally, interfaces at both the transport and network layers are considered.