Delay Constraints and Admission Control in ATM networks Petia Todorova Research Center for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) Hardenbergplatz 2 D-1000 Berlin 12 FR Germany Phone: 49-30-25499-251 Telefax:49-30-25499-202 Dinesh Verma Computer Science Department, 571 Evans Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA-94720, Phone: (415) 642-8919 Telefax:(415) 642-5775 Abstract This article first reviews the architecture of a typi- cal ATM switch and considers the problem of handling both continuous bit oriented and bursty traffic with low loss and delay requirements. We examine a buffer architecture that is capable of handling both delay sensitive and loss sensitive traffic, and present a scheme to allocate network resources, i.e. bandwidth and buffer space, to individual circuits to ensure acceptable delay and loss performance.