Queueing Delays in Rate Controlled ATM Networks

		        Anindo Banerjea
     CS Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
       and International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley

		       Srinivasan Keshav
  AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974

           To appear in the Proceedings of INFOCOM'93


This paper addresses the problem of finding the worst case end-to-end
delay and buffer occupancy bounds in ATM networks with rate-controlled,
non-work conserving servers.  A theoretical framework is constructed to
analyze such servers in isolation and in tandem.  The analysis is based
on a simple fluid model, but care is taken so that the computed delay
and buffer occupancy values are upper bounds on actual values.  A
simple algorithm is presented to perform these calculations in linear
time.  Simulation results compare the computed worst case delays with
the actual delays obtained on some simple network topologies. The
algorithm is found to predict node delays well for bursty input
traffic, but poorly for smooth input traffic. Buffer requirements are
predicted well in both cases.