REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION IN A PACKET-SWITCHING NETWORK Domenico Ferrari and Dinesh C. Verma Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California and International Computer Science Institute Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Abstract Broadband integrated networks will have to offer real-time communication services; that is, they will have to transport information with performance guarantees. A real- time service is defined as one capable of providing connec- tions with performance guarantees (the real-time channels) on demand and ensuring that the guarantees are always satis- fied. These guarantees can be of various types, e.g., a lower bound on the throughput of a connection, an upper bound on delays and delay variation experienced by a packet on a channel, or an upper bound on the packet loss rate. In this paper, we study the feasibility of providing real-time services on a packet-switched store-and-forward wide-area network with general topology. We describe a scheme for the establishment of channels with deterministic or statistical delay and delay variation bounds and bounded loss rates, and present the results of the simulation exper- iments we ran to evaluate it. The results are encouraging: our approach satisfies the guarantees even in worst-case situations, uses the network's resources to a fair extent, and efficiently handles channels with a variety of offered load and burstiness characteristics. Also, the packet transmission overhead is quite low, and the channel estab- lishment overhead is small enough to be acceptable in most cases.