QUALITY OF SERVICE IN ATM NETWORKS Domenico Ferrari and Dinesh C. Verma Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California and International Computer Science Institute Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Abstract B-ISDN networks of the future will have to handle traffic with a wide range of traffic characteristics and performance requirements. In view of the high bandwidth of these networks and the relatively large propagation delays involved in wide-area B-ISDN networks, the performance requirements can only be provided by reserving resources to communicating clients at the connection establishment time. However, reservation mechanisms for heterogenous bursty traffic usually result in a rather poor utilization of net- work resources. In this paper, we propose a simple admission control criterion that can be used to reserve resources for bursty as well as smooth traffic with delay and loss sensitivities. Our scheme leads to a reasonable value of the maximum utili- zation of network bandwidth (about 40%) for delay sensitive traffic with moderate burstiness (peak-to-average bandwidth ratios of about 4), even under the worst possible condi- tions. Actual utilizations can be higher if there is smooth traffic or traffic which is not delay-sensitive. Our admis- sion control algorithm uses a well-defined traffic specifi- cation scheme which is easy to enforce and verify, and able to accommodate arbitrary degrees of burstiness. Extensive simulation experiments failed to show that our admission control criterion are incorrect, in the sense that the qual- ity of service requirements of the traffic was always met, even in the worst case. Moreover, the scheme is simple and feasible at the high speeds required of B-ISDN networks.