STRATEGIC IMPACT OF MULTIMEDIA ON BUSINESS AND PUBLIC SECTOR SERVICES: Multimedia Applications on the California Research and Education Network Andreas Hoffmann Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (University of London) September 1994 ABSTRACT The subject of this work is the strategic impact of mul- timedia applications and technology on both business and the public sector. It commences with a review of related Infor- mation Management literature, including discussions on how to effectively plan and control IT projects. The impact of Information Technology on functional and structural aspects of organizations is investigated. Policy guidelines are given that help management and staff to harness the inherent potential of IT for enhancing organizational effectiveness. A brief summary of the computing and communications evolu- tion introduces the technological cornerstones of this dissertation: computer protocols (OSI), computer networks (LAN, WAN, Internet), communications technology (Fiber, SONET, ATM), and networking applications (Multimedia). It is concluded that there is a need for broadband services that resolve the bandwidth bottleneck created by the steady increase of networking applications. Having introduced the technological terms that characterize the different service requirements and transport options, the crucial elements of future broadband networks are explained: optical fiber technology, the Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) standard, and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The strategic impact of these technologies on busi- ness and residential customers is discussed, supported by experiences of early adopters. The Open System Interconnec- tion (OSI) protocol, to which these technologies can be related, is also covered. The work proceeds with an analysis of different communica- tion media and how they relate to ATM. It presents a mul- timedia system model and standards and evaluates the stra- tegic impact of multimedia. Multimedia market trends and virtual reality, which is seen as an proliferation of the multimedia concept, are discussed. Pacific Bell has created a trust, known as the California Research and Education Network (CalREN), to promote develop- ment of applications that are expected to a create market demand for ATM. These applications are typically multimedia October 1, 1994 - 2 - based. The primary part of this dissertation describes the Bay Area Gigabit Network (BAGNET) and the Health Care Imag- ing projects that are supported by CalREN awards. The pro- ject description includes both technological and managerial aspects, with focus on the strategic impact of the mul- timedia applications envisaged as running as part of these projects. Applications are expected to improve education, health care delivery and governmental processes, facilitate business development and job creation, and provide a com- petitive edge to commercial users.