DETERMINISTIC ANALYSIS OF FLOW AND CONGESTION CONTROL POLICIES IN VIRTUAL CIRCUITS Samar Singh Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ashok K. Agrawala Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland Srinivasan Keshav Computer Science Division, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, Abstract Network congestion can be triggered by transient phenomena that are hard to study using classical stochastic approaches. We show that a deterministic analysis of virtual circuits (VC) allows us to precisely quantify these transients. We analyze some existing window and rate based flow control schemes, and propose a new protocol, 2P, that exploits the deterministic nature of a VC to provide optimal performance. Our analysis focuses on two issues: utilization of available bandwidth and congestion avoidance. We study the transient behavior of the system when a sudden change occurs, such as loss of a packet or a reduction in the available bandwidth, and give precise expressions for the performance of these schemes. We show that 2P performs better than existing schemes since it adapts to changes in the state of the VC by keeping track of the effective transmission rate as well as the round-trip delay. This is done using a novel rate probing technique based on short bursts.