The Design and Evaluation of Routing Algorithms for Real-time Channels Ron Widyono Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 ICSI TR-94-024 ABSTRACT The Tenet Scheme specifies a real-time communication service that guarantees performance through network con nections with reserved resources, admission control, and rate con- trol. Within this framework, we develop and eval uate algo- rithms that find routes for these multicast connections. The main goals are to maximize the probability of successful establishment of the routed connection, to maximize the use- ful utilization of the network, and to be timely. The prob- lem to be solved is finding a minimum cost tree where each source to destination path is con strained by a delay bound. This problem is NP-complete, so heuristics based mainly on minimum incremental cost are developed. Algorithms we develop use those heuristics to calculate paths that are merged into a tree. We evalu ate our design decisions through simulation, measuring success through the number of successfully established connections.