Service Disciplines For Packet-Switching Integrated-Services Networks Hui Zhang Ph.D Dissertation Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California email: hzhang@tenet.Berkeley.EDU Integrated-services networks will provide the communication infras- tructure in the future. Unlike traditional communication networks, which are designed to offer a single type of service, integrated-services net- works will offer multiple services, including data, voice, video, and others. Supporting applications with diverse traffic characteristics and performance objectives requires the offered services to be both flexible and guaranteed. To be flexible, integrated-services networks will use packet-switching technology. To provide performance guarantees in terms of throughput, delay, delay jitter, and loss rate, a proactive network control approach is needed. One of the most important components in this architecture is the service discipline at the switching nodes. We first present a taxonomy and framework for studying and comparing service disciplines in integrated-services networks. Given the framework, we show the limitations of several existing solutions, and propose a new class of service policies called {\m rate-controlled service discip- lines.} This class of service disciplines may be {\m non-work- conserving}, i.e., a server may be idle even when there are packets to be transmitted. Although non-work-conserving disciplines were seldom studied in the past, our research shows that non-work-conserving rate-controlled service disciplines have several advantages that make them suitable for supporting guaranteed performance communication in a high speed network- ing environment. In particular, rate-controlled service disciplines can provide end-to-end per-connection deterministic and statistical performance guarantees in very general networking environments. Unlike existing solutions, which only apply to simple network environments, rate-controlled service dis- ciplines also apply to internetworking environments. Moreover, unlike existing solutions, which only apply to feed-forward networks and a res- tricted class of feedback networks, rate-controlled service disciplines can provide guarantees in arbitrary feed-forward and feedback networks. The key feature of a rate-controlled service discipline is the separation of the server into two components: a rate-controller and a scheduler. This separation has several distinct advantages: it decouples the allocation of bandwidths and delay bounds, uniformly dis- tributes the allocation of buffer space inside the network to prevent packet loss, and allows arbitrary combinations of rate-control policies and packet scheduling policies. Rate-controlled service disciplines pro- vide a general framework under which most of the existing non-work- conserving disciplines can be naturally expressed. One discipline in this class, called Rate-Controlled Static Priority (RCSP), is particularly suitable for providing performance guarantees in high speed networks. It achieves simplicity of implementation as well as flexibility in the allocation of bandwidths and delay bounds to different connections. To increase the average utilization of the network by real-time traffic, we present new admission control conditions for deterministic service, and new stochastic traffic models for statistical service. Com- pared to previous admission control algorithms for deterministic service, our solution ensures that deterministic services can be guaranteed even when the sum of the peak data rates of all connections exceeds the link speed. When the traffic is bursty, the new algorithm results in a multi- fold increase in the number of accepted connections. Further, to better characterize bursty traffic, we propose a traffic model that captures the interval-dependent behavior of traffic sources. With this traffic model and rate-controlled service disciplines, end-to-end per-connection sta- tistical performance guarantees can be efficiently provided in a general networking environment. To test our algorithms in real environments, we have designed and implemented the Real-Time Internet Protocol, or RTIP. RTIP is the network layer data delivery protocol within the Tenet real-time protocol suite, and is the first protocol of its kind that provides host-to-host bounded-delay and bounded-delay-jitter services in an internetworking environment. We implemented RTIP in Ultrix on DECstation 5000 worksta- tions, in HP/UX on HP9000/7000 workstations, and in SunOS on SPARCsta- tions. The service disciplines used in the implementation are rate- controlled service disciplines. Results from a measurement study show that the protocol is effective in supporting guaranteed performance ser- vices in an internetworking environment.