TITAN: A Next-Generation Infrastructure for Integrating Computing and Communication
Funded by the National Science Foundation CISE Institutional Infrastructure Program
The Computer Science faculty at the University of California at Berkeley
is developing as its computing and communication
infrastructure a new type of computing system, called Titan. This
computing system comprises an integrated ensemble of computing and
communication elements, organized to provide the user with a number of
services that we think will characterize the practice of computing into
the next century. The most important of these are (i) multimedia
(especially video) capabilities in delivery vehicles, storage and
communication, (ii) huge computing power (especially from clusters
of workstations operating as a single parallel computer) and enormous
storage space, (iii) innovative parallel languages, debuggers, and
libraries, and (iv) high accessibility from mobile as well as fixed
Primary Components of the Project
NOW: Network of Workstations as a High Performance Integrated System
Areas of Research within the NOW Component
The Castle Project: Integrated
software support for parallel computing.
Areas of Research within the Castle component
Split-C: A performance programming language for NOWs and parallel machines. Include Mantis graphical debugger. (Culler,Yelick)
Multipol a library of distributed data structures, designed to ease the programming of
"irregular" problems on large scale, distributed-memory multiprocessors. (Yelick)
ScaLAPACK: Scalable version of the Titanium:
compiler and language support for parallel programming
of distributed memory multiprocessors(Aiken,Yelick,Graham)
- pSather is a parallel
version of the object oriented language Sather.(Feldman)
Areas of Research within the Multimedia component
CS Division Home Page
David E. Culler