/*==== Simple Scherk-Collins Saddle-Chain Surface Generator ====*/ /* FIXES neded: check output ! ==*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------- Saddle-Chain is a generalized approach of generating Scherk-towers, Collins-toroid, and related sculptures. It is set up to also do simple (twisted / Moebius) bands. This is a version that can produce modules with properly sealed off ends as should be used for demonstration units at exhibits. ==============================================================*/ #include #include "include.h" #include "globals.h" #include "grafx.h" #include "geom_menu.h" #include "geom.h" #define ROOT05 sqrtf(0.5f) #define KMID 4 /* global variables from output.c */ /* vertex and face data for printing to a file */ extern float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax; /* for bounding box */ /* The following two variables are declared in output.c, but output.c is removed for now */ /* extern int out_data; /* save shape to output file */ /* extern int b_count; /* count branches processed */ int out_data; /* save shape to output file */ int b_count; /* count branches processed */ /*exported arrays*/ float n[DMAX+DMAX+3][DMAX+DMAX+1][3]; /*final vertex normals*/ float o[DMAX+DMAX+3][DMAX+DMAX+1][3]; /*offset vertices*/ float lid[DMAX+DMAX+3][KMID+KMID+1][3]; /* extra points on rims and mid-storey lids */ float nrim[DMAX+DMAX+3][KMID+KMID+1][3]; /* rim normals */ /* The area actually used is only (2d+2) by (2d). */ /* global array variables containing vertex info for one branch */ static float h[DMAX+DMAX+1]; /*normalized height coord in base_array*/ static float t[DMAX+DMAX+3][DMAX+DMAX+1][2]; /*texture coord*/ static float mt[DMAX+DMAX+3][DMAX+DMAX+1][2]; /* negated texture coord*/ static float v[DMAX+DMAX+3][DMAX+DMAX+1][3]; /*thin_surface pts*/ static float m[DMAX+DMAX+3][DMAX+DMAX+1][3]; /*initial vertex normals*/ float tlid[DMAX+DMAX+3][KMID+KMID+1][2]; /* texture array for lids */ float rimt[DMAX+DMAX+3][KMID+KMID+1][2]; /* texture array for rims */ float mrimt[DMAX+DMAX+3][KMID+KMID+1][2]; /* negated texture array for rims */ static float tbulge[KMID+KMID+1]; /*sin fct values for elliptic rim */ static float wbulge[KMID+KMID+1]; /*cos fct values for elliptic rim */ static float trimnorm[KMID+KMID+1]; /*sin fct values for rim normals */ static float wrimnorm[KMID+KMID+1]; /*cos fct values for rim normals */ /*derived or modified global variables*/ int ring, vanes; int d, D, dd, Dd, DD, kmax; int total_trias; /* local function prototypes */ static void avnorm4(int i, int j); static void edgenorm(int i, int j, int topedge); static void drawnormal(float vert[], float norm[]); static void loadmaterial( int rim, int numbr); static void basearray( int branches, int ntext, float height, float flange, float twirl, float thick, float trim); static int surfbranch(int flat, int ring, int stor, int ntext, float height, float flange, float thick, int branch, float azimb, float twirl, float trim, /* used in Scherk */ float zbase, float zoffset, /* used in Collins */ float ringrad, float archrad, float thetab, float thwarp); /*======================================================== BUILD BASE-ARRAY __________________________________________________________ First, we build the generic template array of vertex and texture coordinates. In this array we maintain all quantities that can be reused an can easily be transformed when copies are made for the other branches and other storeys. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static void basearray(int branches, int ntext, float height, float flange, float twirl, float thick, float trim) { int i, j, k; float squashfactor, alfa, beta, gamma, kappa; float hj, tj, zj, rj, r2, mi, mi2, fl, flt, fl2, flt2; fl = flange*sqrtf(2); flt = (flange+thick*trim) *sqrtf(2); fl2 = fl*fl; flt2 = flt*flt; /*---------------------------------------------------------- CALCULATE SCHERK VERTEX and TEXTURE COORDINATES We calculate all the vertex coordinates from the closed form expressions that approximate Scherk's surface with horizontal hyperbolical slices with suitable head-to-origin distances to make vertical elliptical openings. The extra columns of vertices on the left and right are to provide for a thin rim if the surface has thickness. Because array indices cannot be negative, there are some not-so-intuitive expressions below on the right hand side. The base geometry is generated symmetrically around the level z=0, but is then adjusted to get the first storey rising up from z=0. the base surface branch opens symmetrically towards the +x axis. The rim points are generated as part of the regular patch, even if they are not needed. It is fast, simplifies the code, and it prevents garbage in these array locations ... The normal texture coordinate count does not include the rim. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------- First calculate the texture coordinates, and the z- coord., since they are easy and the same for all base patches. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) /* bottom to top of patch */ { if (branches==1) h[j] = (float)(j-d)/(float)(d); /* linear */ else h[j] = sinf( 0.5f*M_PI*(float)(j-d)/(float)(d) ); /* gives denser sampling near saddle point */ zj = height * (1 + h[j]); /* offset by half a storey */ tj = ntext*0.5f * (1 + h[j]); for (i=1; i<=Dd; i++) /* all non-rim points */ { v[i][j][Z] = zj; t[i][j][Y] = tj; t[i][j][X] = ntext*(float)(i-1)/(float)(dd); } v[0][j][Z] = zj; /* left rim */ t[0][j][Y] = tj; t[0][j][X] = t[1][j][X]-0.5f; i=DD; v[i][j][Z] = zj; /* right rim */ t[i][j][Y] = tj; t[i][j][X] = t[i-1][j][X]+0.5f; /* Use special rim texture with with this 0.5 extension. Originally I used only a small texture coordiate extension for rim points so that only a small fraction of the regula facer texture pattern is stretched over the rim. */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Now deal with the x- and y- coordinates. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ if (branches==1) /* do just a flat panel */ /* Give it a 90-degree fold so it can be treated like other branches. */ { for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) { v[0][j][X] = (flange + trim*thick*sqrtf(0.5f)); /* left RIM point */ for (i=1; i<=D; i++) /* left half */ v[i][j][X] = flange*(float)(D-i)/(float)(d); for (i=0; i<=D; i++) /* left half */ v[i][j][Y] = -v[i][j][X]; for (i=D+1; i1 */ m[0][j][Y]=v[1][j][Y]-v[2][j][Y]; m[0][j][Z]=v[1][j][Z]-v[2][j][Z]; normalize(m[0][j]); /* right rim */ m[DD][j][X]=v[Dd][j][X]-v[DD-2][j][X]; m[DD][j][Y]=v[Dd][j][Y]-v[DD-2][j][Y]; m[DD][j][Z]=v[Dd][j][Z]-v[DD-2][j][Z]; normalize(m[DD][j]); } /*------------------------------------------------------- Define the the more varied RIM PROFILE Compute two arrays for "[X]" and "[Y]" that describe the distortion of a straight rim, i.e., the components of offset and of the normals. ------------------------------------------------------*/ if (trim==0.0f) /* flat rim rpofile */ { kmax = 1; wbulge[0] = 0.0f; tbulge[0] = 0.0f; wbulge[kmax] = 0.0f; tbulge[kmax] = -2.0f * scherk_thickness; wrimnorm[0] = 1.0f; trimnorm[0] = 0.0f; wrimnorm[kmax] = 1.0f; trimnorm[kmax] = 0.0f; } else if (trim<=0.01) /* curved profile with sharp edges */ { kmax = 2; wbulge[0] = 0.0f; tbulge[0] = 0.0f; wbulge[1] = 1.0f * thick * trim; tbulge[1] = -1.0f * thick; wbulge[kmax] = 0.0f; tbulge[kmax] = -2.0f * thick; wrimnorm[0] = 1.0f - trim; trimnorm[0] = trim * trim * thick * trim; wrimnorm[1] = 1.0f; trimnorm[1] = 0.0f; wrimnorm[kmax] = 1.0f - trim; trimnorm[kmax] = -trim * trim * thick * trim; } else if (trim<=1.0f) /* triangular rim profile */ { kmax = 3; /* double point in center to make sharp edge */ wbulge[0] = 0.0f; tbulge[0] = 0.0f; wbulge[1] = 1.0f * thick * trim; tbulge[1] = -0.98f * thick; wbulge[2] = 1.0f * thick * trim; tbulge[2] = -1.02f * thick; wbulge[kmax] = 0.0f; tbulge[kmax] = -2.0f * thick; wrimnorm[0] = 1.0f; trimnorm[0] = trim; wrimnorm[1] = 1.0f; trimnorm[1] = trim; wrimnorm[2] = 1.0f; trimnorm[2] = -trim; wrimnorm[kmax] = 1.0f; trimnorm[kmax] = -trim; } else /* semicircular or elliptical profile */ { if (d<=3) kmax = 3; else if (d>=2*KMID) kmax = 2*KMID; else kmax = d; for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) { kappa = k*M_PI/(kmax); /*evenly divided half circle*/ /* offset in flange/normal -directions */ wbulge[k] = thick * trim * sinf(kappa); tbulge[k] = thick * (cosf(kappa)-1.0f); /* move pt against normal */ /* normal components, properly weighted for elliptic profile */ wrimnorm[k] = sinf(kappa); trimnorm[k] = trim * cosf(kappa); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Make a texture coordinate array for the various lids. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) { tj = (float)(k)/(float)(kmax); for (i=1; i<=Dd; i++) { tlid[i][k][X] = ntext*(float)(i-1)/(float)(dd); tlid[i][k][Y] = tj; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------- Make a texture coordinate array for the rims. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) { tj = (float)(k)/(float)(kmax); for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) { rimt[j][k][X] = tj; rimt[j][k][Y] = ntext*0.5f * (1 + h[j]); mrimt[j][k][X] = (float)(dd)-rimt[j][k][X]; mrimt[j][k][Y] = rimt[j][k][Y]; } } } /* end: basearray---------------------- */ /*======================================================== AVERAGE VERTEX NORMALS __________________________________________________________ Find the edges pointing to all regular nearest neighbors in the basic quadrilateral i,j grid. Form cross products in the regular quadrants, and average these normals. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static void avnorm4( int i, int j ) { float norm1[3], norm2[3], norm3[3], norm4[3]; float edown[3], eright[3], eup[3], eleft[3]; /* calculate neighbor edge vectors */ edown[X] = v[i][j-1][X] - v[i][j][X]; edown[Y] = v[i][j-1][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; edown[Z] = v[i][j-1][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; eup[X] = v[i][j+1][X] - v[i][j][X]; eup[Y] = v[i][j+1][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; eup[Z] = v[i][j+1][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; eleft[X] = v[i-1][j][X] - v[i][j][X]; eleft[Y] = v[i-1][j][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; eleft[Z] = v[i-1][j][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; eright[X] = v[i+1][j][X] - v[i][j][X]; eright[Y] = v[i+1][j][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; eright[Z] = v[i+1][j][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; /* Calculate the 4 surrounding normals suitable for outer surface*/ cross_product(eright, eup, norm1); cross_product(eup, eleft, norm2); cross_product(eleft, edown, norm3); cross_product(edown, eright, norm4); /* find the average normal at location [i][j] */ m[i][j][X] = (norm1[X] + norm2[X] + norm3[X] + norm4[X]); m[i][j][Y] = (norm1[Y] + norm2[Y] + norm3[Y] + norm4[Y]); m[i][j][Z] = (norm1[Z] + norm2[Z] + norm3[Z] + norm4[Z]); normalize(m[i][j]); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------- Since there are only two cases: upper and lower edges, we use this less general function in which we do the left and right edge vectors always, up or down conditionally; then choose the right pair of cross-products. ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void edgenorm( int i, int j, int topedge ) { float norm1[3], norm2[3], norm3[3], norm4[3]; float edown[3], eright[3], eup[3], eleft[3]; /* create edge vectors to existing nearest neighbor vertices */ eleft[X] = v[i-1][j][X] - v[i][j][X]; eleft[Y] = v[i-1][j][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; eleft[Z] = v[i-1][j][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; eright[X] = v[i+1][j][X] - v[i][j][X]; eright[Y] = v[i+1][j][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; eright[Z] = v[i+1][j][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; if (topedge) { edown[X] = v[i][j-1][X] - v[i][j][X]; edown[Y] = v[i][j-1][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; edown[Z] = v[i][j-1][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; } else { eup[X] = v[i][j+1][X] - v[i][j][X]; eup[Y] = v[i][j+1][Y] - v[i][j][Y]; eup[Z] = v[i][j+1][Z] - v[i][j][Z]; } /* create cross-product normal vectors for facets */ if (topedge) { cross_product(eleft, edown, norm3); cross_product(edown, eright, norm4); m[i][j][X] = norm3[X] + norm4[X]; m[i][j][Y] = norm3[Y] + norm4[Y]; m[i][j][Z] = norm3[Z] + norm4[Z]; } else { cross_product(eright, eup, norm1); cross_product(eup, eleft, norm2); m[i][j][X] = norm1[X] + norm2[X]; m[i][j][Y] = norm1[Y] + norm2[Y]; m[i][j][Z] = norm1[Z] + norm2[Z]; } normalize(m[i][j]); } /* end edgenorm() -------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------- Draw face normals at a vertex. Draw a linesegment from the point vert[] in the direction norm[]. It is assumed that norm is normalized, and that this function call is _not_ between a pair of GL bgn/end calls. ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void drawnormal(float vert[], float norm[]) { const float norm_factor = 0.3f; float vert2[3]; /* find the other point of the line extended by the normal */ vert2[X] = vert[X] + norm_factor*norm[X]; vert2[Y] = vert[Y] + norm_factor*norm[Y]; vert2[Z] = vert[Z] + norm_factor*norm[Z]; glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3fv(vert); glVertex3fv(vert2); glEnd(); }/*end drawnormal() ---------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------- Load the appropriate material and texture definition for the face (rim==0) or rim (rim==1) t-meshes. one can color 2-sided surfaces differently, using numbr; one can also employ up to 4 different rim materials. --------------------------------------------------------*/ static void loadmaterial( int rim, int numbr) { /* bind RIM material and texture */ if (rim) { numbr=numbr%4; /* To digest more then four different edges */ switch(numbr) { case 1: { lmbind(MATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM1_MATERIAL); lmbind(BACKMATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM1_MATERIAL); if (gstate.texmap) { texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, SCHERK_RIM1_TEXTURE); } break; } case 2: { lmbind(MATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM2_MATERIAL); lmbind(BACKMATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM2_MATERIAL); if (gstate.texmap) { texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, SCHERK_RIM2_TEXTURE); } break; } case 3: { lmbind(MATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM3_MATERIAL); lmbind(BACKMATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM3_MATERIAL); if (gstate.texmap) { texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, SCHERK_RIM3_TEXTURE); } break; } case 4: { lmbind(MATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM4_MATERIAL); lmbind(BACKMATERIAL, SCHERK_RIM4_MATERIAL); if (gstate.texmap) { texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, SCHERK_RIM4_TEXTURE); } break; } } } else /* face colors */ { switch(numbr) { case 1: { lmbind(MATERIAL, SCHERK_FACE1_MATERIAL); lmbind(BACKMATERIAL, SCHERK_FACE1_MATERIAL); if (gstate.texmap) { texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, SCHERK_FACE1_TEXTURE); } break; } case 2: { lmbind(MATERIAL, SCHERK_FACE2_MATERIAL); lmbind(BACKMATERIAL, SCHERK_FACE2_MATERIAL); if (gstate.texmap) { texbind(TX_TEXTURE_0, SCHERK_FACE2_TEXTURE); } break; } } } } /*end loadmaterial ------------------------------------*/ /*======================================================== CONSTRUCT ONE SCHERK/COLLINS SURFACE BRANCH __________________________________________________________ For every instance of a thick branch of the sculpture, we start from the computed template basearray, apply the torroidal warp (if necessary -- for Collins), then adjust the initial surface normals into a new array, n[i][j][3], and then fill in the offset arrays of vertices. When the o[i][j] array has been suitably filled in, we read out all vertex info for a complete T-mesh from the various arrays. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static int surfbranch(int flat, int ring, int stor, int ntext, float height, float flange, float thick, int branch, float azimb, float twirl, float trim, /* used in Scherk */ float zbase, float zoffset, /* used in Collins */ float ringrad, float archrad, float thetab, float thwarp) { int i, j, k, numbr; int do_upper, do_lower; float thetaj, trimbar, oddstor, step; float nlid[DMAX+DMAX+3][3]; /* normal directions in center-line of lids */ oddstor=(odd(stor)); trimbar = (trim<1.0f ? 1.0f-trim : 0.0f ); if(stor<=scherk_storeys-1) do_upper=1; /* do top half */ else do_upper=0; if(stor>0) do_lower=1; /* do bottom half */ else do_lower=0; /*-------------------------------------------------------- FILL IN THE ACTUAL ARRAY o[i][j] OF VERTEX INFO from which the T-mesh will be read out. First those operations common to Scherk and Collins: ---------------------------------------------------------*/ for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) { for (i=0; i<=DD; i++) { o[i][j][X] = v[i][j][X]; o[i][j][Y] = v[i][j][Y]; o[i][j][Z] = 0.0f; arot( o[i][j], 'z', azimb ); /* additional base rotation for this surface branch */ n[i][j][X] = m[i][j][X]; n[i][j][Y] = m[i][j][Y]; n[i][j][Z] = m[i][j][Z]; arot( n[i][j], 'z', azimb ); /* a simple rotation of the normals is sufficient */ } } /*-------------------------------------------------------- Scherk-specific adjustments: ---------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!ring) for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) for (i=0; i<=DD; i++) { o[i][j][Z] = v[i][j][Z] + zbase; /* additional base offset for Scherk tower */ /* no further adjustment of the normals is necessary */ } /*-------------------------------------------------------- Collins-specific adjustments: ---------------------------------------------------------*/ else for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) { thetaj = thwarp*0.5f*(1 + h[j]); for (i=0; i<=DD; i++) { o[i][j][X] += archrad; /* Now we need to prewarp the normals in the base array for the expected stretching and squashing of the tower outside/inside the meadian ring-radius when we bend it. Compute inverse stretchig op in the z-direction: stretch = x_coord /archrad; inverse = reciprocal */ n[i][j][Z] = n[i][j][Z]*archrad/o[i][j][X]; normalize(n[i][j]); arot( o[i][j], 'y', thetab+thetaj ); /* if RING: APPLY TORROIDAL BEND NOW: Z maps into angle theta along the toroidal ring. */ arot( n[i][j], 'y', thetab+thetaj ); /* also do the corresponding rotation of the normals */ /* move sculpture back into central position; this depends on what fraction of a full toroid that it forms: till 90 degrees: keep root at origin; above 180 degrees: keep center of ring at origin; in between, gradually change offset. */ o[i][j][Z] += zoffset; if(scherk_warp<=360.0f) o[i][j][X] += -archrad + ringrad*scherk_warp/360.0f; else o[i][j][X] += -archrad + ringrad*360.0f/scherk_warp; /* if(scherk_warp<90.0f) o[i][j][X] -= archrad; else if (scherk_warp<180.0f) o[i][j][X] -= archrad * (180.0f - scherk_warp)/90.0f; */ /* o[i][j][X] -= archrad - x_base_offset according to Laura: x_base_offset = archrad*0.25f*(1.0f + cosf(scherk_warp) + 2.0f*cosf(scherk_warp/2.0f) ) */ } } /*-------------------------------------------------------- Compute offset vertices for OUTER TMESH. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) for (i=1; i=D; i--) /* right half plus one triangle */ { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j+1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j+1]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j+1]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j+1]); } i=D-1; if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j+1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j+1]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j+1]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j+1]); /* This extra triangle is needed to make things work out with diagonal direction and face orientation */ glEnd(); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (i=D; i>=2; i--) /* left half minus one triangle */ { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i-1][j+1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i-1][j+1]); glNormal3fv(n[i-1][j+1]); glVertex3fv(o[i-1][j+1]); } /* i=last_i - 1 */ i=1; if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); glEnd(); } /* if (out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_surface(0, 0, 1+10*branch+100*stor); } */ } if(do_upper) { for (j=dd; j>d; j-- ) { /* second half from top down */ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (i=1; i<=D; i++) /* left half plus one triangle */ { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j-1]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j-1]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j-1]); } i=D+1; if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j-1]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j-1]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j-1]); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (i=D; i<=dd; i++) /* right half minus one triangle */ { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i+1][j-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i+1][j-1]); glNormal3fv(n[i+1][j-1]); glVertex3fv(o[i+1][j-1]); } i=dd+1; if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(t[i][j]); glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); glEnd(); } /* if (out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_surface(0, 1, 2+10*branch+100*stor); } */ } /* END UPPER OUTER SURFACE */ /*=================== RIM SURFACES ====================*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------- Create points on SMOOTH RIM-BULGE with kmax points across --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* numbr = branch+branch; numbr = (oddstor ? numbr+1 : numbr); numbr = numbr%vanes; */ numbr = 1; loadmaterial( 1, numbr); /* make LEFT RIM points */ i=1; for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++ ) { lid[j][k][X]= o[1][j][X] + tbulge[k]*n[1][j][X] + wbulge[k]*n[0][j][X]; lid[j][k][Y]= o[1][j][Y] + tbulge[k]*n[1][j][Y] + wbulge[k]*n[0][j][Y]; lid[j][k][Z]= o[1][j][Z] + tbulge[k]*n[1][j][Z] + wbulge[k]*n[0][j][Z]; /* normals */ nrim[j][k][X]= trimnorm[k]*n[1][j][X] + wrimnorm[k]*n[0][j][X]; nrim[j][k][Y]= trimnorm[k]*n[1][j][Y] + wrimnorm[k]*n[0][j][Y]; nrim[j][k][Z]= trimnorm[k]*n[1][j][Z] + wrimnorm[k]*n[0][j][Z]; normalize( nrim[j][k] ); } if(do_upper) { for (k=1; k<=kmax; k++ ) /* make longitudinal t-strips */ { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (j=d; j<=dd; j++) { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(mrimt[j][k]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(mrimt[j][k-1]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k-1]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k-1]); } glEnd(); } if(ntext==0) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) for (j=d; j<=dd; j++) drawnormal(lid[j][k], nrim[j][k] ); glPopAttrib(); } /* if(out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_lid(d,0,dd,kmax,0,1); } */ } if(do_lower) { for (k=1; k<=kmax; k++ ) /* make longitudinal t-strips */ { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (j=0; j<=d; j++) { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(mrimt[j][k]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(mrimt[j][k-1]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k-1]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k-1]); } glEnd(); } if(ntext==0) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) for (j=0; j<=d; j++) drawnormal(lid[j][k], nrim[j][k] ); glPopAttrib(); } /* if(out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_lid(0,0,d,kmax,0,2); } */ } i=Dd; /* RIGHT RIM */ for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++ ) for (j=0; j<=dd; j++) { lid[j][k][X]= o[Dd][j][X] + tbulge[k]*n[Dd][j][X] + wbulge[k]*n[DD][j][X]; lid[j][k][Y]= o[Dd][j][Y] + tbulge[k]*n[Dd][j][Y] + wbulge[k]*n[DD][j][Y]; lid[j][k][Z]= o[Dd][j][Z] + tbulge[k]*n[Dd][j][Z] + wbulge[k]*n[DD][j][Z]; /* normals */ nrim[j][k][X]= trimnorm[k]*n[Dd][j][X] + wrimnorm[k]*n[DD][j][X]; nrim[j][k][Y]= trimnorm[k]*n[Dd][j][Y] + wrimnorm[k]*n[DD][j][Y]; nrim[j][k][Z]= trimnorm[k]*n[Dd][j][Z] + wrimnorm[k]*n[DD][j][Z]; normalize( nrim[j][k] ); } if(do_upper) { for (k=1; k<=kmax; k++ ) /* make longitudinal t-strips */ { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (j=d; j<=dd; j++) { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(rimt[j][k-1]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k-1]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k-1]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(rimt[j][k]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k]); } glEnd(); } if(ntext==0) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) for (j=d; j<=dd; j++) drawnormal(lid[j][k], nrim[j][k] ); glPopAttrib(); } /* if(out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_lid(d,0,dd,kmax,1,3); } */ } if(do_lower) { for (k=1; k<=kmax; k++ ) /* make longitudinal t-strips */ { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (j=0; j<=d; j++) { if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k-1], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(rimt[j][k-1]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k-1]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k-1]); if (gstate.envmap) EnvMapUV(nrim[j][k], cm); else glTexCoord2fv(rimt[j][k]); glNormal3fv(nrim[j][k]); glVertex3fv(lid[j][k]); } glEnd(); } if(ntext==0) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) for (j=0; j<=d; j++) drawnormal(lid[j][k], nrim[j][k] ); glPopAttrib(); } /* if(out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_lid(0,0,d,kmax,1,4); } */ } /*-------------------------------------------------------- SHOW FACE NORMALS ON OUTER SURFACE: HACK: when 0-texture ---------------------------------------------------------*/ if(ntext==0) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); if(do_upper) for (j=d; j<=dd; j++) for (i=0; i<=DD; i++) drawnormal(o[i][j], n[i][j] ); if(do_lower) for (j=0; j<=d; j++) for (i=0; i<=DD; i++) drawnormal(o[i][j], n[i][j] ); glPopAttrib(); } b_count++; /*------- Make the extra LIDS at the cuts at the half-storey ends ----*/ if (scherk_warp != 360) /* not a ring */ { if ( (stor==scherk_storeys) || (stor==0) ) { /* Calculate extra vertices for the lid */ for (k=0; k<=kmax; k++) { step = k*2.0f*thick/kmax; for (i=2; i 0.0f) { /* (re)bind FACE material and texture */ numbr = (oddstor ? 1 : 2); loadmaterial( 0, numbr); } /* Genereate T-MESH for inner surface */ if(do_lower) { for (j=0; jd; j-- ) { /* upper half, from top down */ glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (i=Dd; i>=D; i--) /* right half plus one triangle */ { if (gstate.envmap) { EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); } else { glTexCoord2fv(mt[i][j]); } glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); if (gstate.envmap) { EnvMapUV(n[i][j-1], cm); } else { glTexCoord2fv(mt[i][j-1]); } glNormal3fv(n[i][j-1]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j-1]); } if (gstate.envmap) { EnvMapUV(n[i][j-1], cm); } else { glTexCoord2fv(mt[i][j-1]); } glNormal3fv(n[i][j-1]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j-1]); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (i=D; i>=2; i--) /* left half minus one triangle */ { if (gstate.envmap) { EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); } else { glTexCoord2fv(mt[i][j]); } glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); if (gstate.envmap) { EnvMapUV(n[i-1][j-1], cm); } else { glTexCoord2fv(mt[i-1][j-1]); } glNormal3fv(n[i-1][j-1]); glVertex3fv(o[i-1][j-1]); } if (gstate.envmap) { EnvMapUV(n[i][j], cm); } else { glTexCoord2fv(mt[i][j]); } glNormal3fv(n[i][j]); glVertex3fv(o[i][j]); glEnd(); } /* if (out_data) { calc_bbox(); output_surface(1, 1, 4+10*branch+100*stor); } */ } b_count++; /* Approximation of the number of polys in one patch */ if (do_upper && do_lower) return (4*dd*dd + 4*dd*kmax); else if (scherk_warp == 360) return (2*dd*dd + 2*dd*kmax); else return (2*dd*dd + 4*dd*kmax); } /*end: surfbranch */ /*===================================================================== BUILD DISPLAY LIST FULL processing of the geometry should only be done when cursor is in the slider menu widow. When cursor leaves, the geometry should be written to display list. When the cursor is in the display window, only the transormations should be changed and the same display list can be reused until the cursor returns into the slider window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*======================================================================== FULL SCHERK/COLLINS SCULPTURE __________________________________________________________ This is the main loop calling upon the needed instances of branches to make the sculpture with all the storeys. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ int geometry(int flat) { int stor, oddstor, branch, polys; float ringrad, archrad, thetab, thwarp, zbase, zoffset, azims, azimb, twirl, L_flange; d=scherk_detail; D=d+1; dd=d+d; Dd=D+d; DD=D+D; ring = (scherk_warp == 0.0f ? 0 : 1); vanes = 2*scherk_branches; L_flange = (scherk_flange<0.7f ? 0.7f : scherk_flange); thwarp= scherk_warp/(float)(scherk_storeys); /* amount of bend per storey */ twirl = scherk_twist/(float)(scherk_storeys); /* amount of twist per storey */ ringrad = (float)(scherk_storeys)*scherk_height/M_PI; /* median radius of closed toroidal ring */ //archrad = 360.0f*(float)(scherk_storeys)*scherk_height/scherk_warp/M_PI; /* median radius of open arch segment */ archrad = (360.0f/M_PI)*(float)scherk_storeys*scherk_height/scherk_warp; /* median radius of open arch segment */ polys = 0; /* Reset counter */ /*>>> BUILD TEMPLATE ARRAY -------------------------------- Load up the template array, and calculate those values that are worth saving from one patch instance to the next. For the Scherk, these are the coordinates, texture coordinates, ---------------------------------------------------------*/ basearray(scherk_branches, scherk_tex_tiles, scherk_height, L_flange, twirl, scherk_thickness, scherk_rim_bulge); /*-------------------------------------------------------- With the template in place, make needed versioned copies: This outer-most loop produces the necessary number of storeys. We COPY the above Scherk-patch template array and update the vertex and normal information to the degree needed to make all the required instances, either offset in the z-direction for the Scherk tower, or offset in theta around the toroidal ring for Collins. >>> LOOP storeys TIMES; set base_Z, theta, and Azimuth. ---------------------------------------------------------*/ for (stor=0; stor<=(scherk_storeys); stor++) { /* calculate starting azimuth for this storey */ oddstor=(odd(stor)); azims = twirl*((float)(stor)-0.5f) + scherk_azimuth; if(odd(stor)) azims += 180.0f/(float)(scherk_branches); thetab= scherk_warp*((float)(stor)-0.5f)/(float)(scherk_storeys); /* adjust so that foot rests at constant height: shift down 0.5 storeys */ /*zbase = 2.0f*scherk_height*(float)(stor) - scherk_height*(float)(scherk_storeys);*/ zbase = 2.0f*scherk_height*((float)(stor)-0.5f) - scherk_height*(float)(scherk_storeys); if(scherk_warp<=360.0f) zoffset = - (360.0f - scherk_warp)*scherk_height*(float)(scherk_storeys)/360.0f; else zoffset = 0.0f; /* This loop computes the surface branches in the same storey. For the original Scherk/Collins surfaces we just make one branch copy: increase the azimuth by 180 degrees. This gives the rotation by 180 degrees around the z-axis. Loop branches times {for Scherk: twice}. */ for (branch=0; branch>> GENERTATE ONE BRANCH OF ONE STOREY ------------------*/ polys += surfbranch(flat, ring, stor, scherk_tex_tiles, scherk_height, L_flange, scherk_thickness, branch, azimb, twirl, scherk_rim_bulge, zbase, zoffset, ringrad, archrad, thetab, thwarp); } } out_data = 0; total_trias = polys; return polys; } /* end: geometry ------------------------------------------------*/ /* display list function for the scherk surfaces */ int geometry_display_list() { return geometry(gstate.shading); } /*==================================================================*/