#ifndef __GLOBALS_H__ #define __GLOBALS_H__ #define XY_AXIS 1 #define Z_AXIS 2 #define NO_AXIS 3 /* the state of the renderer, which modes are on/off, etc. */ typedef struct _renderstate_ { int shading, texmap, num_lights, wire_frame, envmap; float xrot, yrot, zrot, dx, dy, dz, scale_factor; float cop[3], vrp[3]; int axis; int frames, num_polygons; short bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, on_r, on_g, on_b, intensity; float nearCP, farCP; int auto_rotate, auto_wobble, dither_on, bg_on; int wobble_steps, wobble_step; float wobble_angle; char *bg_file, *tex_file; int bg_sizeX, bg_sizeY, bg_sizeZ; unsigned char *bg_data; } RenderState; /* global variables */ extern RenderState gstate; extern float cm[16]; extern unsigned int idle_counter; #endif /* __GLOBALS_H__ */