Errata to the first edition of _Simply Scheme_: p. 25: add to list of functions: *, appearances, even?, if, item, number?, odd?, vowel? p. 79: The extra parens in the cond example aren't boldface. p. 93: Same procedure is sometimes first-two, sometimes sent-of-first-two. p. 128: Remove "as we did for the tic-tac-toe program." p. 139: "The second argument to EVERY must..." should be "The first argument." p. 188: We say we wrote REVERSE in Chapter 8, but we actually called it BACKWARDS there. p. 278: It's spelled "Bjarne." p. 312: The fifth line in the definition of PARSE-HELPER should be (handle-op '() operators operands) rather than (handle-op '() operands operators) p. 315: (in-tree? 'venezia (list-ref (children world-tree) 2)) Change 2 to 1. pp. 158-159: The illustrations are missing some parentheses. p. 231: "Nonillion" and "decillion" spelled wrong! p. 383: ex. 21.3 should talk about procedure functions-loop instead of procedure functions. p. 405: "thie" in first line should be "this". pp. 424, 426, 427: The totals on line 9 of the spreadsheets should be in columns D and F, not B and D. p. 455: "a expression" should be "an expression". p. 517: Schemers, Inc. has a new address: Schemers Inc. 2136 NE 68th St., Suite 401 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 (305) 776-7376. p. 522: Aubrey Jaffer (author of SCM) has a new address: Aubrey Jaffer 33 Buehler Rd. Bedford MA 01730-1129 p. 523: The Scheme repository has moved to pp. 571, 577: Replace the phrase "Appendix E, an alphabetical list of primitives with one-line descriptions of what they do" with "the Alphabetical Table of Scheme Primitives on page 557." ---------- Change to simply.scm version 3.5 --> version 3.6: At line 853 (in read-line), version 3.5 has (helper 0 0 (string-length string))) Replace that with three lines: (if (eof-object? string) string (helper 0 0 (string-length string))))